i have write 2 .c file and 2 .h file
the code is:
main (.c)
* Wally Robot
* Angelo Facondini
//#include "WProgram.h"
#include "wally_main.h"
#include "baseMovement.h"
int goAhead( int dist, int vel);
int goBack( int dist, int vel);
int turnLe( int degree);
int turnRi( int degree);
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // inizialize serial port
// initialize the digital pin as an output:
//motor 1
pinMode(motL_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motL_2, OUTPUT);
// pinMode(motL_3, OUTPUT);
// pinMode(motL_4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motR_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motR_2, OUTPUT);
// pinMode(motR_3, OUTPUT);
// pinMode(motR_4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(sensFw, INPUT);
pinMode(sensRw, INPUT);
// pinMode(senseLe, INPUT);
// pinMode(senseRi, INPUT);
void loop()
int state = WALK_TO_S;
switch( state)
case IDLE_S :
case WALK_TO_S :
int ret;
ret = goAhead( 100,1); //go forw 100cm with a velocity of 1cm/s
turnRi(90); //turn 90°
case SERIAL_S:
if ( Serial.available()) //chek if there's data
int lettura = 0;
lettura = Serial.read();
if(lettura == FORW_S)
goAhead( 2,1); //go forwarder 2cm at 1cm/s
if(lettura == REW_S)
goBack( 2,1); //go back 2cm at 1cm/s
if(lettura == STOP_S)
resetOutMot(); //not useful now
if(lettura == RIGHT_S)
if(lettura == LEFT_S)
* Go forwarder
* dist (cm)
* vel (cm/s)
int goAhead( int dist, int vel)
int cicle;
int waitTime;
cicle = dist * CICLE_DIST_RATIO; //dist--> cicle
waitTime = (vel * 250) / CICLE_DIST_RATIO; //time wait between phase --> (vel * 1000) / ( 4 * CICLE_DIST_RATIO )
moveMot(MOT_L,cicle, waitTime,0)!=0 ||
moveMot(MOT_R,cicle, waitTime,0)!=0
) //there is a obstacle
return -1;
return 0;
* Go back
* dist (cm)
* vel (cm/s)
int goBack( int dist, int vel)
int cicle;
int waitTime;
cicle = dist * CICLE_DIST_RATIO; //dist--> cicle
waitTime = (vel * 250) / CICLE_DIST_RATIO; //time wait between phase --> (vel * 1000) / ( 4 * CICLE_DIST_RATIO )
moveMot(MOT_L,cicle, waitTime,1)!=0 ||
moveMot(MOT_R,cicle, waitTime,1)!=0
) //there is a obstacle
return -1;
return 0;
* Turn Left
int turnLe( int degree)
int circ,dist,cicle,ret;
circ = (2*DIST_WHELLS *314)/100; //(2*dist_whells*3.14)
dist = (360/degree)*circ;
cicle = dist * CICLE_DIST_RATIO;
ret = moveMot(MOT_R,cicle/2,WAIT_TIME_TURN,0);
ret = moveMot(MOT_L,cicle/2,WAIT_TIME_TURN,1);
* Turn Right
int turnRi( int degree)
int circ,dist,cicle,ret;
circ = (2*DIST_WHELLS *314)/100; //(2*dist_whells*3.14)
dist = (360/degree)*circ;
cicle = dist * CICLE_DIST_RATIO;
ret = moveMot(MOT_L,cicle/2,WAIT_TIME_TURN,0);
ret = moveMot(MOT_R,cicle/2,WAIT_TIME_TURN,1);
* *****Low comand for bipolar stepper motor******
#include "baseMovement.h"
#include "wally_main.h"
int forwSeq[4][2] = {
int rewSeq[4][2] = {
int moveMot(int mot, int cicle, int waitTime, int rot)
int count=0;
int i;
//abbasso tutte le uscite
case MOT_L: //Left Motor
digitalWrite(motL_1, forwSeq[i][0]);
// digitalWrite(motL_2, forwSeq[i][1]);
digitalWrite(motL_1, rewSeq[i][0]);
// digitalWrite(motL_2, rewSeq[i][1]);
if(digitalRead(sensFw) || digitalRead(sensRw))
return -1;
case MOT_R: //Right Motor
// digitalWrite(motR_1, forwSeq[i][0]);
digitalWrite(motR_2, forwSeq[i][1]);
// digitalWrite(motR_1, rewSeq[i][0]);
digitalWrite(motR_2, rewSeq[i][1]);
if(digitalRead(sensFw) || digitalRead(sensRw))
return -1;
return 0; //all ok
void resetOutMot()
digitalWrite(motR_1, 0);
digitalWrite(motR_2, 0);
// digitalWrite(motR_3, 0);
// digitalWrite(motR_4, 0);
digitalWrite(motL_1, 0);
digitalWrite(motL_2, 0);
// digitalWrite(motL_3, 0);
// digitalWrite(motL_4, 0);
#ifndef BASE_MOVEMENT____H
#define BASE_MOVEMENT____H
int moveMot(int mot, int cicle, int waitTime, int rot);
void resetOutMot();
#ifndef ROBOT____H
#define ROBOT____H
#define MOT_STEP 48 //number step/rev of motor
#define CICLE_DIST_RATIO 5 //(step/cm)
#define DIST_WHELLS 30 //distace between whells (cm)
#define WAIT_TIME_TURN 100 //wait time phase during turning
#define MOT_L 1
#define MOT_R 2
#define ROT_FW 0
#define ROT_REW 1
//serial comand
#define FORW_S 1
#define REW_S 2
#define STOP_S 3
#define RIGHT_S 4
#define LEFT_S 5
#define IDLE_S 0
#define WALK_TO_S 1
#define SERIAL_S 2
/****** I/O mapping ****************/
//left motor (1)
int motL_1 = 1; //phase 1 motor left
int motL_2 = 2; //phase 2 motor left
// int motL_3 = 3; //phase 3 motor left
// int motL_4 = 4; //phase 4 motor left
//Right motor (2)
int motR_1 = 4; //phase 1 motor right
int motR_2 = 5; //phase 2 motor right
// int motR_3 = 6; //phase 3 motor right
// int motR_4 = 7; //phase 4 motor right
//prossimity sensor
int sensFw = 8; //prosimity forwarder
int sensRw = 9; //prosimity back
// int sensLe = 10; //prosimity Left
// int sensRi = 11; //prosimity Right
but whe compile, there is this error:
o: In function `resetOutMot':
multiple definition of `motR_1'o:/tmp/build8663446853736708691.tmp/Temporary_4356_3330.cpp:163: first defined here
o: In function `resetOutMot':
o:/tmp/build8663446853736708691.tmp/Temporary_4356_3330.cpp:171: first defined here
o: In function `resetOutMot':
o:/tmp/build8663446853736708691.tmp/Temporary_4356_3330.cpp:163: first defined here
o: In function `resetOutMot':
o:/tmp/build8663446853736708691.tmp/Temporary_4356_3330.cpp:163: first defined here
o: In function `resetOutMot':
o:/tmp/build8663446853736708691.tmp/Temporary_4356_3330.cpp:171: first defined here
o: In function `resetOutMot':
o:/tmp/build8663446853736708691.tmp/Temporary_4356_3330.cpp:171: first defined here
o: In function `turnRi(int)':
o: In function `turnLe(int)':
o: In function `goBack(int, int)':
o:/tmp/build8663446853736708691.tmp/Temporary_4356_3330.cpp:131: more undefined references to `moveMot(int, int, int, int)' follow
you have any idea?