Hi everyone can you please help me? I'm new to this forum and to Arduino in general.
I'm trying to read can message with an Arduino Due board and send them to a PC via Wi-Fi using a ESP8266 board.
I've successfully write and tested the code to read and store CAN message.
Now I'm trying to connect to a Wi-Fi network using library
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
And to do that I use my Arduino Due as a Generic ESP8266 board following this guide:
The problem is that when I try to compile my sketch using Generic ESP8266 board instead of Arduino Due i got this warning and this error:
WARNING: library due_can claims to run on (sam) architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on (esp8266) architecture(s).
error: 'Can' does not name a type
Can* m_pCan ;
Thank you very much for your help!
Have a good day.
I use my Arduino Due as a Generic ESP8266 board
That's incorrect. You're using your Due as a USB to TTL serial adapter to program an ESP8266.
The problem is that when I try to compile my sketch using Generic ESP8266 board instead of Arduino Due i got this warning and this error:
The Due's microcontroller has hardware support for CAN. The ESP8266 does not. Your code (or the due_can library it uses) appears to be using software features that are specific to the Due. Although you may be able to work with CAN via software on the ESP8266, it's unlikely you will be able to use the due_can library.
Thank you very much for your reply, I really appreciate it!
So in your opinion I should look for some libraries for ESP8266 board to read CAN ? Or use an CAN shield?