problem interfacing electro pneumatic transducer using with Function generater

I have an electro-pneumatic pressure transducer rated to 200kPa(Model IP413-020). I want to control that by using TTL signal anyone knows how to control it and please send me the code for that control
This is the link for the transducer I was purchased

I have an electro-pneumatic pressure transducer rated to 200kPa(Model IP413-020). I want to control that by using TTL signal

The manual states that it converts an analog input into a pressure. So that is not a TTL input. You can set the jumpers to 0-5vDC and you should be able to drive it using any PWM pin as an output. I do recommend adding a 470R resistor inline with data signal (though should not be required) at first and keep the arduino close to the unit.

Altenatively, if you don't want to use the PWM / low pass filter solution, you could use a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) to produce a voltage in the 0 to 5 volt range e.g. SparkFun I2C DAC Breakout - MCP4725 - BOB-12918 - SparkFun Electronics to control the pressure.

I to P converters, now that takes me back some years!

You may already know this, but the 0-5 vdc input signal is not the only electrical connection; you will also need a 24vdc power supply to power this transducer (18 to 28 v ac/dc is specified), and obviously a compressed air source too.


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Tom.... :slight_smile:

please send me the code for that control

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can anyone help me about the wiring diagram and suggest some coding for the controller

I thought i had made a suggestion for the wiring. Just choose 1 of the PWM pins as an output.
Check out the Examples under Analog.
as a very basic test to see if the setup works you could do something like this

#define THE_PIN 9

void setup() {
  pinMode(THE_PIN, OUTPUT);
  analogWrite(THE_PIN, 128);  // change the value here.

void loop() {


How do you want to transfer data to the arduino to control the transducer ?

There is a wiring diagram in the manual, reachable from the link supplied in your OP: Current or voltage to pressure converter Converters

It also shows how to set the jumpers on the device so, for example, you can control it with a 0 to 5v variable voltage to regulate the pressure across its full range.

int pin = 6;
int pot_pin = A0;
int val;
int pressure;
void setup() {
void loop() {
//Reading from potentiometer
val = analogRead(A0);
//Mapping the Values between 0 to 255 because we can give output
//from 0 -255 using the analogwrite funtion
pressure = map(val,0,1023, 0, 255);

This is the code i used to control the voltage by using potentiometer is it correct or not

This is the circuit connection i used

Should work. (assuming you have the jumpers on the transducer set correctly)
Does it ?

This type of jumpers switches are available in the transducer and I selected the 0-5vdc marked in the picture but still, it does not work.

well time to eliminate possible problems, i think the code should work, but there is an easy way to test if the transducer works with a 0-5vDC input. Bypass the Arduino, connect the center wire of the pot (lightblue in you circuit schematic) directly to the + of the transducer, (and remove the connection to pin 6 from there) does that work ?

The LED in the transducer (like power, increase, decrease) is ON but there is no air comes to the outlet in manual mode at the same time in the AUTO mode the air comes to the outlet.

The LED in the transducer (like power, increase, decrease) is ON but there is no air comes to the outlet in manual mode at the same time in the AUTO mode the air comes to the outlet.

So there is something with the way you set up the transducer, check the manual again.