problem Interrupt in YUN

Hello guys,

I have problem with interrupt, I`ve read about interrupt from this, they said arduino yun have 5 ext interrupt: 3 (interrupt 0), 2 (interrupt 1), 0 (interrupt 2), 1 (interrupt 3) and 7 (interrupt 4).

I tried pin 3(interrupt 0) its work well, but when I tried another pin like pin 7(interrupt 4) it wont work. would you like to explain me why it cant work properly like in pin 3?

here is my code, I used reed switch for counter..btw In my project future I use pin 2 and 3 as SCL and SDA for RTC.

#define RAIN_GAUGE_PIN 7 //from reedswitch
#define RAIN_GAUGE_INT 4
int rainCounter = 0;
float rain;
long lastDebounce0 = 0;
long debounceDelay = 500;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  digitalWrite(RAIN_GAUGE_PIN, HIGH);
  attachInterrupt(0, countRain, CHANGE);
void countRain(){
    if( (millis() - lastDebounce0) > debounceDelay){
    rain = (rainCounter * 0.2); // 1 pulse = 0.2794 mm
    lastDebounce0 = millis();

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
void countRain(){
    if( (millis() - lastDebounce0) > debounceDelay){
    rain = (rainCounter * 0.2); // 1 pulse = 0.2794 mm
    lastDebounce0 = millis();

It seems rather illogical to use an interrupt and then use millis() to see if the interrupt is valid

If intervals can be measured in millis() rather than micros() it is very unlikely there is any need to use an interrupt - polling should be perfectly satisfactory.


If you attach you interrupt handler to interrupt #0 but you're using pin #7 (interrupt #4) you can be sure nothing is going to happen ...

kind regards,
