Problem involving Esp32 Cam is unable to execute the uploaded code

how do i fix this please help me


waiting for download

Is it occurred before or after download the code?


It looks like your "boot" button is still pressed during the restart after uploading the code.

ohh okay thanks so should i restart the process then before uploading the code press the boot button?

  1. unplug the usb cord
  2. plug it then upload
  3. after successfully uploading press the boot button on esp32
  4. check in serial monitor

is this the right order?

Hold BOOT, then press Reset(EN) briefly to enter the bootloader, then release BOOT. This way you can flash a new firmware on it.

After uploading the code press EN again, without Boot.

wait so i will first hold the button in the ardiuno then the button in esp32 then i will let go of the button in ardiuno while holding the en button in esp32 then i will upload the code correct?
sorry it's my first time

Your photo is quite dark and unclear...
What is a esp32 module do you use? Does it not have a USB on board?

That looks like a ESP32CAM.

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You need to remove wire between GPIO0 and GND after upload.

You wrote that the problem occurred after the uploading. Is it mean that your upload process finished successfully?

yes it needs its a esp32 cam indeed and after successfully uploading the code and it was finish looking at it on the serial monitor it will just show

waiting for download

Did you do as post#10 suggests?

yes but it will just show this instead after removing it

Things that suck:

a). Images of code suck.
b). Images of error messages suck.
c). Code snippets suck.

Post your code in code tags.

does your setup() have this WRITE_PERI_REG(RTC_CNTL_BROWN_OUT_REG, 0); //disable brownout detector?

unfortunately no it does not contain that one

Why not add in a disable for brownout detection? That is the error message you are getting, right?

yes but where should i add it on my code this is my first time making one

You could look up on the internet example code for the ESP32 cam and see where others have put it.

You can also THINK, about where it would do the most good in setup(). Would it been good to include it at the end of setup, in the middle, or at the beginning?

I'll give a hint by posting my esp32cam setup()

void setup()
  WRITE_PERI_REG(RTC_CNTL_BROWN_OUT_REG, 0); //disable brownout detector
  if ( configInitCamera() )
    xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( capturePhoto_sendFTP, "capturePhoto_sendFTP", 20000, NULL, 3, NULL, 1 );
  } else {
    log_i( "camera failed to initilize. Quitting programed operations." );
} // void setup()

Now, I hope, you can figure it out?

yes thanks a lot!

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