Hi Everyone,
I have an Arduino Uno board, DallasTemperature sensors, OneWire, and LCD that I am using to display the temperature at a device continuously (in 1000 ms increments, one device at a time) until the button is depressed, which increments to the next device to be read and displayed by the LCD. However, the combination of code and hardware I am using results in occasionally reading 85 C if I heat the device by hand; also, I found that when I depress the button, the loop will sometimes execute
if (digitalRead(13)==0)
multiple times. Sometimes just once, sometimes twice, sometimes 3 times. I'm not sure (other than possible hardware issues) why this is happening.
I've attached the code (temperature1_v3) and eliminated hardare issues (I believe). I've also attached previous working code (temperature1) that operated without these errors but didn't continuously read temperature from a single device (hence temperature1_v3).
Thanks for reading and the possible help!
temperature1_v3.ino (3.74 KB)
temperature1.ino (3.79 KB)