First of all, some background. I'm trying to make a system that counts down with LEDs, then a model car goes across a track which has two IR emitter and detectors ("Obstacle Avoidance IR sensor) to measure the time it takes to go across.
I used code from for the timer and made the countdown one. Both of my functions work separately, but when I tried to put it in one program the timing does not work properly. My code is here Arduino Cloud
If anyone could have a look and help ASAP it would be much appreciated, as I am a novice at this stuff and need to finish my project in a week at most. I would also like the LED countdown to stop after one cycle, and if possible, start timing as soon as the LEDs go off (so LEDs go on in sequence for 3,2,1, LEDs go off and timing starts, car hits first gate giving a reaction time, car hits second gate giving the time across track), and I've also bought an LCD display to displace the SerialMonitor reading of time like this BUT is there a way to show the serialmonitor reading without a PC connected?
Thank you so so much to anyone that reads and helps with this!!