Problem troubelshouting serial monitor

I've tried to run an example file after downloading LIDAR-lite library. If I run v4LED on my Arduino DUE, the serial monitor shows messages like: ܲ⸮⸮H⸮⸮ rT⸮⸮6⸮⸮=⸮f_⸮7⸮

I've tried to open the .h-file to se if I can find where these symbols came from, but it didn't make sense to me.

I dosn't have any problem compiling the code.
Does anyone have a suggestion on where I can continue my troubleshooting?

I've used this code from github:

Does the baud rate in Serial.begin(9600) match the setting in the Serial monitor?

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No. I didn't even think about checking that.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Happy to help... we've all been there. :slight_smile:

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