Hi all,
I have got a WiFi shield and managed to make it work. Then I found out of a firmware update available and decided to do it.
The problem is I get an error message during the update and can't find a solution I've read many topics here and on other forums but can't find anyone with the same problem.
$ sudo sh ./ArduinoWifiShield_upgrade_mac.sh -f shield -a /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/
Arduino WiFi Shield upgrade
Disclaimer: to access to the USB devices correctly, the dfu-programmer needs to be used as root. Run this script as root.
****Upgrade WiFi Shield firmware****
Error opening the file.
Something went wrong with creating the memory image.
Done. Remove the J3 jumper and press the RESET button on the shield.
Thank you!
I had to fix the update script because it contained a wrong path
instead of
And that solved another issue (some files were not found because of the wrong path).
But the error
Error opening the file.
Something went wrong with creating the memory image.
stays, and now my wifi shield is not working I get this error when I run a sketch that was working previously
WiFi shield not present
I can't figure out where that error comes from.
Someone says the files might be corrupted and by downloading them again it could be fixed, but I have downloaded them from several sources and it didn't help