Problem using IDE and Dragino yun shield together

I am using arduino uno and a dragino yun shield.

My dragino yun shield and my pC are successfully connected to my wifi network and an ip adress has been assigned to my yun shield.
Pinging my dragino via my pc is responding.

The main problem is that my IDE is not recognizing the ip of my yun shield. I cant access port via tool option. Only the board type can be selected.

I tried troubleshooting doing the following steps:

  1. Windows 7, user can add below line in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file arduino.local

  1. tried ssh to the yun shield and run /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart.

Please refer to attachment for the following problem.

I thank you in advance.


Hi, welcome to the forum.

You better use an Arduino Leonardo with that shield. The Arduino Uno uses pin 0 (RX) and 1 (TX) to upload a sketch and also for the Bridge to the linux/wifi/OpenWRT module.

Do you use the newest Dragino firmware 2.0.4 ?
I have a few problems with the firmware. I think 1.3.5 was good, and the newer versions gave me trouble. At the moment I'm using the newest firmware, and after some trying and resetting it seems to be working.

I have an Leonardo + Dragino shield, and I upload the sketches via the usb connector. Because I don't always see that ethernet/wifi port in the Arduino IDE.

It is only visible in the local network. Perhaps they are blocked by the router or Windows.

Try connect to the webinterface via ethernet first.
After that try putty (telnet SSH) to connect via ethernet.
Then try to upload a sketch via ethernet, you might have to restart the Arduino IDE a few times, and wait until enough udp/avahi messages have been send so the device is recognized.
When everything is okay, try the webinterface and putty and upload a sketch via wifi.

thank you Peter

actually my ip is okie now but another problem arose...each when uploading a sketch and when viewing the serial monitor,it is repeatedly asking if am using a bridge. I have attached an image of my serial monitor. Please could anyone help me out

The serial monitor of the Arduino Uno uses pin 0 (RX) and pin 1 (TX), and that is also used for the Bridge to the wifi/linux/OpenWRT module. That problem can be avoided by using an Arduino Leonardo.

Actually i dont have in my possession a Arduino leonardo..cant it be solved with arduino uno itself?what is to be done if i want to connect the pin 0(RX) and pin 1(TX) so that the bridge responds?

Did you read the wiki ?
That stop the serial monitor via usb, and it stops uploading via usb.

Hello everyone. I got an arduino uno and a dragino yun shield. Successfully, I have configured it and connected it to a WiFi network. Now, the problem I'm having is that sketches that I upload to the arduino does not work. I don't know what might be going wrong.

The Dragino shield uses pin 0 (RX) and pin 1 (TX) to communicate with the Uno (with the "Bridge" library). Those pins are also used to upload a sketch to the Arduino. You need a Arduino Leonardo, that boards doesn't have that problem.

I have not seen this resolution to the error in which where you receive the message "Are you sure the sketch isn't using the bridge" error.

At least this worked for me...

I can upload the sketch via both the the USB port and the dragino.local port. I found that if I uploaded via dragino.local, I was unable to connect via the Console to view the results. I was asked if the bridge was in use by my sketch. It was not.

However, if I uploaded the sketch via the USB cable, then disconnected the USB cable and then powered up the Uno/YUN shield via a 9v power supply, I was able to select the dragino.local port and the Console opened and worked.

You need to allow several minutes for the newly booted Uno/YUN device to find the network and appear as a port in the Arduino IDE.

I am posting this now because after hours of searching the Internet I could not find a resolution to the "bridge in use by sketch" error.

It is a hassle and but at least it work.

I'm using a yun shield and a leonardo. I'm having problems with the serial monitor. I have to do something diferent?
I powered it with a power supply. I have to conect something else ? A usb cable to the leonardo or the yun shield?

I can't access port via tool option until upgrading arduino from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4, fyi...
unfortunately, after reboot, there's no port via tool option, so frustrated...

I am having the same problem though I am one step behind-I do not see my board in the boards section.

According to the user manual pdf, to reset the 16u2, short the 2 pins, top and bottom together on the leftmost at the top. That stops the 16u2. Note that this is for version 1.0.0. I am using 1.1.6. Here is the link for the user manual:

Try uploading the sketch via usb without the dragino attached and then attach the dragino yun shield. Another thread says it works.