Hello, My school joined a robotics competition and we are using the arduino uno as the brain of our robot.
Our problem is we cannot understand how to read the arduinos analog input. We are using the FlySky FS-CT6B for our transmittier/reciever and the signal (~) output from any of the channels(for now channel 3) is being input to the arduino board. When experimenting with reading that input we found that no matter what we are doing with the transmitter, the input the arduino reads is basically 0's 1's and the occasional 1023. We switched to 14400 baud and got a growing and shrinking sinusodial wave pattern. After graphing that pattern with Processing we saw that there is still no noticable change to the input pattern. We need help please.
So if you are connecting the output of the receiver to a digital pin you will only get 0 or 1.
What is the code you are trying to run? Post it using the # icon to put it in a box.
What are you expecting to see?
I was just running the analog read sample code. We got past the zeros part, it outputs as a in a wave pattern. I guess this is more of a problem with how to interpret the analog input because it doesn't visually appear to change no matter what is being done with the controller.
If you are taking a reading and then printing out the results then the time taken between readings is long because the printing takes so long.
If you are using he analogue input then you will not get much because most controls send digital values not analogue ones.
Get a scope and measure what sort of waveform you are feeling into the arduino.
You probbly need to feed it into a digital input and use the pulse in function to measure it.