Problem with arduino due

Hi I'm trying to upload code to Arduino due but the Programming port doesn't appear in my device manager. And when I use the Native USB port to upload, there is an ERROR like this:
Sketch uses 10692 bytes (2%) of program storage space. Maximum is 524288 bytes.
Atmel SMART device 0x285e0a60 found
Erase flash
done in 0.018 seconds

Write 11872 bytes to flash (47 pages)

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done in 2.733 seconds

Verify 11872 bytes of flash

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Verify failed
Page errors: 47
Byte errors: 11439
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2

Can anyone help me to fix this

Hello hyzie

Welcome to the world's best Arduino forum ever.

Disconnect the native USB during upload.


Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.

Thanks for replying to my question but can you explain more about the disconnection. I have tried to disconnect the Native USB but it still can't upload the code.

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