Problem with Arduino Mega 2560 and Ethernet Shield

Hello all.

I have 2 Arduino cards. one is Uno and the other is Mega 2560 r3.

I m building a project over Arduino Mega 2560. but when i install th ethernet shieled, i take the problem about connection.

When i try to ping over command button, it s all good. but i cant reach the web server over explorer.
But when i try it with uno with same codes, i can both reach with ping and over explorer.

so i guess my problem is about Arduino Mega. How can i solve this problem. is my board defacted or else?

i research almost 1 day long. there are many way to solve. but i cant find the right solution. i didnt try to hack my board about pins. is it the only way?

looking for your answers

best regards

is my board defacted or else?

I don't think your board shit the bed.

Does your ethernet shield have a 6 pin ICSP connector?

What does your code look like?