problem with Arduino

Does Arduino do not accept a lot of programs from the Arduino library just to reboot?The problem is another right after the first project has disappeared the port and does not work the new one.

I can't understand what you're asking. You'll need to be more descriptive.

the problem is that I can not download the code from the internet does not accept Arduino

The problem is that you're not making enough of an effort so we won't be able to help you.

I realize English is not your native language, but this just means you need to be very descriptive so that even if some of what you write doesn't make sense, there will still be enough for us to get the meaning. You can write it out in your native language and then use Google Translate to convert it to English.

So what errors do you get? When you get an error, there will be a button "copy error messages". Click that and paste them here.

Post the code that you downloaded (using code tags as described under point 7 in How to use this forum - please read.

Do programs like blink still 'work'?

Which Arduino are you using? Clone or original
Which operating system are you using?

advise me downloading programs from the Internet. There are many interesting projects and I can not even let go. I would like to ask advice from the experienced. Well thank you

Show us the program or programs that you are having trouble with and links to where on the Internet you got them from.

Then show us the errors that you get when you try to send the program/s to the Arduino.


sketch nov28a,b,c,d,e,f,g sketch nov29a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,m,o,p I did not want to have Arduino uno Windows 7

What is your normal national language as there are some specific sections that may be of more assistance ?

neither grbl upload will be uploaded

See prev reply !

I'm starting to think they're trolling. Unfollowing this thread now since it's just a waste of time.

He is probably bot. There is another topic in Slovak with lot of mistakes, but really I was confused.

Budem pýsat nadalej slovenský slušne som vás prosyl o radu,prosím slušnu odpoved. Takže mám Arduino uno os Windovs7 premium. Ano blink funguje.Moja otázka je prečo mi nefunguju kodi čo stahujem z internetu ale len tie čo mám v knižnici,Aj tie nie všetky.

čo nazývaš knižnicou? príklady v IDE?

stále mi vypisuje kopírovat chibovu správu. Tá knižnica je ide. Su kody čo som už vyskušal a išli a teraz ked chcem znova pustit kod nefunguje.Prečo?čo som spravil zle?

Knižnica je vlastne ide ano ale prečo mi neidu všetky programi?vypisuje mi chibová správa a pritom včera ten istý projek mi už fungoval.pomož mi.inmail moj tam si možeme pýsat.

Ano príklady ide.Chcel som rozbehnut 3D tlačiaren ale neprijíma grbl upload program. Neviem ako dalej.Už mám všetok elektroniky a nemožem pokračovat. Poradte mi prosým.Vopred Vám dakujem.