i have a problem with automated downloads in Arduine IDE for other boards (e.g Arduino DUE).
In my company we have a firewall, or somthing similar that prevents the Arduino software from downloading the necessary files for the Arduino Due Board automatically.
Is there any direct download link available, so i can download the files manually, and put it to the correct folder of the Arduino IDE?
by the way: what would be the correct folder of the Arduino IDE???
The boards are installed by Boards Manager in the Arduino15 folder. This is located different places depending on your OS and which version of the Arduino IDE you're using. The location is listed at File > Preferences > More preferences can be edited directly in the file in the Arduino15 folder is a file package_index.json you can open with a text editor. This file lists the download URLs for all the Arduino boards and Arduino certified boards packages. The Due board is in the Arduino SAM Boards package. You will also need to download and install the tools listed in the toolsDependencies field for the board. The URLs for the tools are also listed in the tools section of package_index.json, make sure to download the appropriate one for your OS. Now the packages must be installed into the correct folder structure. Normally when you manually install a boards package you would use the hardware folder inside your sketchbook folder but I'm not sure if there's a way to install tools there and I don't see any information on this in the specification: Arduino IDE 1.5 3rd party Hardware specification ยท arduino/Arduino Wiki ยท GitHub so the easiest way may be to just install the files in the Arduino15 folder just as Boards Manager would have done. I have attached a screenshot of how the folder structure should be for the Arduino SAM Boards package. You could use the same process to install 3rd party boards by looking at the contents of their JSON files but hopefully most of those packages also offer a manual installation package that would be easier for you.