Problem with BluetoothLE connections

Hello, I am trying to create a system in which an android phone connects to an Arduino Uno wifi board through BluetoothLE and mitappinventor. My problem is that I'm not sure how to go about writing my code to send information from the phone (would be the peripheral/transmitter, using the app) to the Arduino board (would be the receiver/central). From my research I have found that I need to write a BLE system, but I have read articles upon articles and I am confused on how to do that especially in the app inventor but also in the Arduino code.
I can give more specifics if anyone needs them to help me.

It might be better to first establish comms between phone and Arduino using a standard terminal app like that by Morisch.

Hi, Thank you. Do you know how to establish a UUID for the Arduino? Or does it already have one?

I'm afraid I know nothing about uuid. You might try here.

If the Arduino is the Central, it does not have a UUID.

The UUID pertains to the Service and Characteristics of the peripheral.

Given that you are asking this question, you obviously have a lot more study to do of basic BLE tutorials before you engage on a project with the Arduino as central and a phone as peripheral.

Why do you want that architecture with the phone as a peripheral and the Arduino as central?

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