Hello there
I'm new to Arduino and the forum so I welcome every criticism about my questioning/post.
Transmitting data from a PRO MINI (3.3V) (in current setup it's a UNO for prototyping) to a NANO is part of my current project. I followed a tutorial on how to build a RC transmitter and reciever from "How to Mechatronics". As one should do, I tried to understand the code and what is beeing done, instead of just blindly follow every step and cry when something doesn't work. I also had a look at the libary to see if I can identify the problem by using functions from the libary (and look at the output in serial) on the reciever/transmitter side.
Unsurprisingly the code was working just fine, when I (for debugging purpose) used a UNO as both reciever and transmitter. Now the problem is that apparently the transmission is not working when using the NANO as the reciever (and UNO as transmitter).
Somewhere I read that one has to be careful when transmitting from one board type to another one because of different handling of the data types by the different borads. (or something like that, can't remember in detail)
Now my question is what exactly is the problem? Could you explain the different handling of data types on differnet boards if there is such variance.
the code on website of HtM:
I gave my best formulating my question in my finest english (non native english speaker).
Thanks and best regards