Problem with Do-While in RGB led experiment

Hello everybody i'm trying to code a program that change the color of the led from blue to red,
But i want to make let's say a 3 second where the red and blue stay togheter with same PMW, so i can hold purple color for some time i can choose.

i expressed r as percentage of PMW of redValue
and b as percentage of PMW of blueValue

i did this for two reasons:
(1) because i set an if statement and expressing PMW as percentage it gives the if statement "much grip" (when the if was expressed in PMW it gave me redValue = 122 and blueValue = 123 and this didn't work for the if statement).

(2)because i really wanted to monitor the percentage of the colors changing in Serial.plotter as percentage

here's my code, but it seems it doesn't work the Do-While part

//RGB blue, purple, red

int eventInterval = 5000;
unsigned long previousTime = 0;
//using serial plotter

// Define Pins
#define BLUE 3
#define GREEN 5
#define RED 6

void setup()
pinMode(RED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BLUE, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(RED, LOW);
digitalWrite(GREEN, LOW);
digitalWrite(BLUE, LOW);

// define variables
int redValue;
int greenValue;
int blueValue;
int k;
int r;
int g;
int b;
int v;
// main loop

void loop()


#define delayTime 50 // fading time between colors

redValue = 0; // choose a value between 1 and 255 to change the color.
greenValue = 255;
blueValue = 0;

k = 0;
r = 0;
g = 0;
b = 0;
v = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < 255; i += 1) // fades out red bring green full when i=255

//char data[50];
//sprintf(data, "PWM Red is: %d, Red is: %u %%", k, r);

//così facendo possiamo vedere l'andamento del blue e del rosso in termini di PWM espressi in percentuale
char plot[100];
sprintf(plot, "%d,%u", b, r);
redValue += 1;
blueValue -= 1;

analogWrite(RED, redValue);   //PWM
analogWrite(BLUE, blueValue);
k = k+1;
r = (k*100/255);
b = 100 - (k*100/255);

if (r == b) {

  //Updates frequently//-- It starts to count//

 unsigned long currentTime = millis();

    do {
  analogWrite(RED, redValue);   //PWM
  analogWrite(BLUE, blueValue);

  previousTime = currentTime;

    } while (previousTime < eventInterval);
//Update the timing fore the next time around //


I tried another way to achieve what i want: i used another for loop inside the if statement and it works, but it's not what i wanted (inside the for loops i can't choose the seconds for hold the purple color).

here's the part of code with this variation

if (r == b) {

  //Updates frequently//-- It starts to count//
unsigned long currentTime = millis();

    for (v ;v < eventInterval; v++) {
  analogWrite(RED, redValue);   //PWM
  analogWrite(BLUE, blueValue);

//Update the timing fore the next time around //

How can i set a timer for keeping purple color? Thank you

Your do while pause period was not well constructed. previousTime picked up the value of millis() midway in the fade routine and was always likely to be > eventInterval.

See if you can understand the difference between the original and this modification.

if (r == b) {
 //unsigned long currentTime = millis();
 unsigned long pauseStartTime = millis();
    do {
  analogWrite(RED, redValue);   //PWM
  analogWrite(BLUE, blueValue);
  //previousTime = currentTime;
  } while(millis() - pauseStartTime < eventInterval);
   //while (previousTime < eventInterval);

I'm going to guess this is your problem:

} while (previousTime < eventInterval);

After previous time exceeds 5 seconds your while condition will never be true.

How can i set a timer for keeping purple color? Thank you

Break the design into 7 different states -

  • Red,
  • fadeRedToPuple,
  • Purple,
  • fadePurpleToBlue,
  • Blue,
  • fadeBlueToPurple,
  • fadePurpleToRed

then each can be timed separately.
