Problem with ESP32-BLE-Combo-master library

Yesterday (23-09-14) i successfully compiled and loaded a sketch that included 'BleCombo.h' from the referenced library. A bit later with an insignificant change to the sketch, the compile failed with an error in the library. This error continues, even with an unmodified library "example" sketch.
I have completely reloaded the library from source and reloaded the arduino ide (v 2.2.1 appimage) to no avail.
On the first recompile after the success, I did notice some updates, but did not pay attention to what they were. I use Kubuntu, and cannot find any libraries that were updated in the past 7 days. Another interesting thing is that this only occurs on my laptop, I tried the compile on my desktop and it was successful.
I have a copies of the error output for both my sketch and the library example.

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Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Hi @RonS1938

Please post them in a reply here.

  1. Open a forum reply here by clicking the "Reply" button.
  2. Click the <CODE/> icon on the post composer toolbar.
    This will add the forum's code block markup (```) to your reply to make sure the error messages are correctly formatted.
    Code tags icon on toolbar
  3. Paste the compilation output into the code block.
  4. Move the cursor outside of the code tags before you add any additional text to your reply.
  5. Click the "Reply" button to post the output.

In case the output is longer than the forum software will allow to be added to a post, you can instead save it to a .txt file and then attach that file to a reply here

Problem has been resolved! I'll post details on the forum.


Problem resolved. I don't know the exact location of the error, but I do know the cause.
When I ran the library example, it caused contamination on every window that I had open - unfortunately, I didn't realize it at the time. This example sends keyboard and mouse sample data through the Bluetooth port which I had previously enabled - there should be (I might have missed it) a WARNING on this example,
I cannot think of a way to change the sketch unless you could somehow limit the windows it can write to.

I'm glad you were able to resolve the problem. Thanks for taking the time to post an update!

A simple safety mechanism on such sketches is to wait for the user to send a trigger before performing the potentially problematic action.

You can see an example in this tutorial:

In that sketch the keyboard emulation code only runs once the user connects pin 2 to ground.

No longer a problem for me, but this is a distributed 'example' that I do not control.
Thank you for the suggestion however, I will keep it in mind for my own projects.

You are welcome.

One of the great things about open source software is everyone has the opportunity to contribute. You can submit a proposal for the desired change to the example.

Maybe the library is hosted in this repository?:

If so, you can submit your proposal as a pull request:

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