Problem with GxEPD2_it60_1448x1072 partial update


First of all Many thanks for Jean-Marc Zing for your great job.

I'm using an ESP32 NodeMCU Development Board with a Waveshare E-Paper [ 1448 x 1072 hd, 6inch E-Ink with e-Paper IT8951 Driver HAT (B)].
As a Library I am using the Library GxEPD2_it60_1448x1072.cpp written by Jean-Marc Zing.

The Problem is when I am using the partial update the displayed data are overlapped. I have tried to use the function: void GxEPD2_it60_1448x1072::refresh(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)
and the function: void GxEPD2_it60_1448x1072::refresh(bool partial_update_mode) in separate tests but unfortunately the overlapping occurred in both tests.

Here is the function I am using to write the display:

void reportReaderError(int readerNumber){

	uint16_t box_x =0;
	uint16_t box_y =0;
	//set x and y 
		case 0: box_x = R1_X_POS, box_y = R1_y_POS;break;
		case 1: box_x = R2_X_POS, box_y = R2_y_POS;break;
		case 2: box_x = R3_X_POS, box_y = R3_y_POS;break;
		case 3: box_x = R4_X_POS, box_y = R4_y_POS;break;
		case 4: box_x = R5_X_POS, box_y = R5_y_POS;break;
		case 5: box_x = R6_X_POS, box_y = R6_y_POS;break;
		case 6: box_x = R7_X_POS, box_y = R7_y_POS;break;
		case 7: box_x = R8_X_POS, box_y = R8_y_POS;break;
	//set box position
	uint16_t firstLinPos= box_y+30;
	uint16_t secondLinePos = firstLinPos +55;
	uint16_t thirdLinePos = secondLinePos + 30;
	uint16_t fourthLinePos = thirdLinePos +30;

	//set rotation
	//set text color
	//set partial window
	display.setPartialWindow(box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h);

	//write the box
		display.fillRect(box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h, GxEPD_BLACK);
		display.drawRect(box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h, GxEPD_BLACK); 

		display.setCursor(box_x, firstLinPos);
		display.print("Reader off!");
		display.setCursor(box_x, secondLinePos);
		display.print("Check Cable!");
		display.setCursor(box_x, thirdLinePos);
		display.setCursor(box_x, fourthLinePos);

	// display.refresh(box_x, box_y, box_w, box_h);


I would be thankful for any advice.

Hi tarek

Your question sounds interesting, I will look at it. But for now:

Sorry for the late reply.

Hello friends!

Some information intended for private use.

I think I should now finally give a honest answer to all who are waiting for a reply.

I first went into a sort of overload; too many private and technically interesting projects.
This lead to quite extreme doses of legal drugs. Doses that could have been lethal.

I am now under treatment, complete abstinence, enabled by a tranquilizer.
The tranquilizer has been gradually reduced to zero, but I still need to be under observation.

My brain has suffered, but starts to work again, only slowed down a bit.

I don’t yet know how long the treatment needs to be, likely some weeks.

I intend to continue the work on Arduino and E-papers.
But you may need to show some patience.



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