Hello to all,
Because I do not have enough free pins for my project, I would like to use in it a 4x4 keypad with a I2C port expander using the library: http://arduino.cc/playground/Main/I2CPortExpanderAndKeypads I want to tell me if I can use this library as it is, or if I will have to modify in any way. I ask it because the library was originally written for a 4x3 keypad. Also I am a bit confused whether or not to attach another resistor in the fourth column as have the other three.
Thanks for any help.
I found the answer to my questions about this subject and I changed library as write in this topic: http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,102018.0.html Now I can use this library with Arduino 1.0.1 . Scheme remained the same, no need to add any resistor.
Thank you and have a good day