Problem with "if" statement and pins.....

Hi, I am fairly new to arduino and C+. In fact this is my first sketch so I expect the answer is quite simple.

When I execute the following code, and I ground pin 2, my program thinks pin 2 is HIGH. It always goes to the subroutine for condition pin 2 = HIGH. I don't understand why.

int Relay1 = 8;               //Close relay set to pin 8
int Relay2 = 9;                //Open relay set to pin 9
int IRsens = 10;            //IR sensor connected to pin 10
int Lightsens = 2;         //light sensor connected to pin 2
int val = 0;               //variable to store state of pin

void setup()

pinMode(Relay1,OUTPUT);  //sets the relay pin as an output
pinMode(Relay2,OUTPUT);  //sets the relay pin as an output
pinMode(Lightsens,INPUT);  //sets the light sensor as input
pinMode(IRsens,INPUT);  //sets the IR sensor as input

void loop()

val = digitalRead(Lightsens);
if (val = HIGH){daymode();  //If it's daytime go to the daytime subroutine


if (val = LOW) {nightmode();  //If it's nightime go to the night subroutine


void daymode()


//while (Lightsens = HIGH){

//;}    //While it's still too light just wait

//while (IRsens = LOW){ 
//;}    //Once it's dark, wait for movement
delay(1000); //Wait 15mins for Chickens to enter
digitalWrite(Relay1,HIGH);  //Turn on the close relay
delay(1000); //Timer to be set, might need close confirm switch
digitalWrite(Relay1,LOW); //Turn off the bloody relay


void nightmode()


//while (Lightsens = LOW){

//;} //While its still dark just wait

digitalWrite(Relay2,HIGH);  //When light comes turn on the open relay
delay(2000);  //Wait long enough for gate to open
digitalWrite(Relay2,LOW);  //Turn off relay

I hope I posted this correctly.

Any help greately appreciated.

A classic error that even experienced C programmers make sometimes!

The C language has its quirks. Check out the language reference pages for the difference between "=" and "==".



Thank you, I'll remember that one.

I really appreciate the assistance. Your help has been awesome.

A classic error that even experienced C programmers make sometimes!

The C language has its quirks. Check out the language reference pages for the difference between "=" and "==".


Nice way of pointing out the issue Paul, yet not spoon-feeding the answer.