Problem with L298N

Hi there.
This scheme can use for bipolar motor with L298?

Because it's doesn't work for me.

GND from Sen's and Common GND interconnected to Arduino GND. And GND from diodes connected to GND of 12 V.

My motor is 12 V. But if I try to check voltage of wire of motor while scheme is working there only about 2 Volts

What do you mean by bi-polar motor ? Do you mean stepper motor ?
NEVERMIND. I just saw your label on the outputs.

How did you connect it ? Post a datasheet or link for your motor.
Post your code .

What do you mean by bi-polar motor ? Do you mean stepper motor ?
NEVERMIND. I just saw your label on the outputs.

How did you connect it ? Post a datasheet or link for your motor.
Post your code .

Thanks for your answer.

My motor is PM20S-020.

Here is footprint of my "motor shield":

Here is real results (looks terrible but I checked it twice):

Scheme I added above. Here also is datasheet of L298N:

Here info about PM20S-020:

Here is my Arduino code:

#include <Stepper.h>

#define STEPS 200
Stepper stepper(STEPS, 5,6,9,10);

void setup()

void loop()

Because it's doesn't work for me.

I take it that means the motor doesn't turn ?
I would suggest checking the .cpp file for the Stepper library to verify that the output pins you configured here:
Stepper stepper(STEPS, 5,6,9,10);

are connected to the correct L298 Input pins.

You might also check you wiring by using the phase sequences shown on page 5 & 6 of the L297 datasheet work with you motor by writing a program that controls the L298 using digitalWrite statements and delayMicroseconds() to eliminate any problems due to the library.

Your not using sense resistors but I don't know if that is important .

L297.pdf (168 KB)


Because it's doesn't work for me.

I take it that means the motor doesn't turn ?
I would suggest checking the .cpp file for the Stepper library to verify that the output pins you configured here:
Stepper stepper(STEPS, 5,6,9,10);

are connected to the correct L298 Input pins.

You might also check you wiring by using the phase sequences shown on page 5 & 6 of the L297 datasheet work with you motor by writing a program that controls the L298 using digitalWrite statements and delayMicroseconds() to eliminate any problems due to the library.

Your not using sense resistors but I don't know if that is important .

Check pins twice.

I think problem in scheme and "my work". Because output voltage while it working about 1V and it jumping (because it's stepper I guess and code of Arduino is works) from 0.5 V to 2 V. For work motor need about 12 V.

My motor is PM20S-020.

But what is the winding resistance and current rating of your motor?

I can't find any statements in any of your posts that indicate whether the motor is turning or not.


My motor is PM20S-020.

But what is the winding resistance and current rating of your motor?

Resistance about 6-7 ohm. But it's not clearly because I have bad quality multimeter. Current rating I don't know. But if look at datasheet there says 300 mA. I have DC adapter 12 V 2 A.

I can't find any statements in any of your posts that indicate whether the motor is turning or not.

It's not turning.
I just test it: I connected motor directly to 12 V and it turn for one step. If reverse the polarity of 12 V motor turn reverse for one step.
This for first pair (input 1 + input 2 of motor) and second (input 3 + input 4 of motor).
That's all work of my motor.

If its 6 ohm your supply cannot drive two windings at once since that needs more than
2A... What drive sequence are you using?

If its 6 ohm your supply cannot drive two windings at once since that needs more than
2A... What drive sequence are you using?

By data sheet there need only 300 mA. And why motor work with directly connect to DC adapter at least for one step.
What do you mean by drive sequence?

Please let me know: bipolar stepper motor should get 12V for 1 wire of 2 for first and second phase, and another wire should get GND? And if reverse it motor turn reverse. I mean L298 just convert impulses from Arduino to 12V for bipolar stepper motor?

There any ways to check L298 for availability? I mean if I just do 5 V to INPUT 1 and VSS (Logic Supply voltage), GND to INPUT 2 and GND to GND pin at L298, and 12 V to VS (Supply voltage). In OUTPUT 1 I should get 12 V, right?

All four motor windings should connect to L298 Outputs and the 12V motor voltage gets connected to L298 Supply Voltage (Vs)(pin-4).
You need to research stepper motors more thoroughly. Obviously this is your first time using one and I wouldn't want you to damage your motor or driver (or arduino) by trying any kind of "Russian Roulette " style experimentation with the wiring.
Your questions suggest you have not read the datasheet.

There is a special Hell reserved for people who don't read datasheets:
It is a place where nothing works and everything burns up when you turn on the power....

Please read the datasheet. Your driver is wired in Input mode (ENable pins tied high), so a stepper motor rotates depending on the phase sequence used. I already told you to look at the phase sequences in the L297 datasheet on page 6. There are different sequences for different modes.

If you want to test the motor and are looking for a way to do that then simply say so. (rather than guessing). You don't seem to understand that the motor only rotates when it is pulsed in a specific pattern. You have not indicated that you are even aware of the phase sequence patterns. You can google that if you want to research it. Based on your latest questions I don't thing you should even turn the power on until you have done some more homework.

You need to research stepper motors more thoroughly.

I got it already, thanks! Last question was about check availability of L298. I want just check by fast way the L298. Because there can be problem. Maybe it's damaged already. How do check it without motor and other components?

That's simple. Use 12V indicator lamps (like available from Radioshack or any auto parts store) as replacement loads in place of the motor windings. The will turn on when the L298 Transistors turn on. Make sure you get non-polarized lamps (instead of leds) so they will still light up when the polarity is reversed.

Last question was about check availability of L298.

Based on your response, the above statement , when correctly translated into English, would be:


You wouldn't ask this question:

Last question was about check availability of L298.

unless you were trying to find a supplier of the part to purchase one. (as in "how many are available ?")


If its 6 ohm your supply cannot drive two windings at once since that needs more than
2A... What drive sequence are you using?

By data sheet there need only 300 mA. And why motor work with directly connect to DC adapter at least for one step.
What do you mean by drive sequence?

The datasheet doesn't match the motor if the datasheet says 12V 0.3A and the
windings are 6 ohm...

Usually the total power is the same for all winding variations since motors are thermally
limited, which would suggest your motor is closer to 5V 0.8A.

If driving the motor with a sequence that activates both windings simultaneously then
you would be trying to put 3 ohms across your 12V 2A supply, which it clearly won't

That's simple.

Sorry for my english.
I do next thing:

to INPUT 1 I solder +12 V
to INPUT 2 - (minus) from 12 V
to OUTPUT 1 and 2 I solder 6 ohm resistor
to VSS (Logic Supply) +5 V
to SEN_A +5 V
to GND - (minus) from 5V
to ENABLED_A - (minus) from 5V
to VS (Supply) +12 V

Try to check voltage at outputs and... nothing. Incorrect test?

The Inputs are 5V logic inputs (TTL) You probably just blew your L298 up . That's what I meant by "Russian Roulette" wiring experiments.
You should have checked with us before applying power. Your L298 is probably damaged now.

The Input pins take 5V signals.
The Sense pins should have resistors.
What did you expect to see at outputs ?
You should use 12V lamps like I suggested.

You obviously have not read the datasheet as I suggested. Now you are in that special Hell where nothing works and everything burns up when you apply power....
The Motor power supply goes to Vs
The load (whatever it is ) from Output(n) to Output (n+1)
You have no idea what you are doing.
You should stop doing anything until you understand what to do.
It may already be too late.
This doesn't make any sense:

to GND - (minus) from 5V
to ENABLED_A - (minus) from 5V

The Sense pins should have resistors.

If it's really important to not damage the L298 then I did it before when made PCB because scheme that I got has no resistors at SENs. And I did it before I read datasheet and last test has no results :slight_smile: I'll try make another.

I guess I'll do it with L293. Motor has consumption about 300 mA and L293 should be enough. Maybe do you advice another driver and scheme for that? I do not want use wrong scheme anymore :slight_smile:

Is there some reason you can't do all your testing on a breadboard before moving it to a pcb ?

SENSE RESISTOR = 0.5 ohm / 2W
see attached schematic

I don't think the schematic you were using is the problem.If you read the datasheet or researched the L298 and H-bridge in general, you know that the chip has a motor power input Vs and a logic power Vss , 4 inputs, 2 Enables and 4 outputs. The outputs , being H-bridge outputs , determine the polarity of the voltage across the motor, which with ordinary dc motors would control the forward /reverse direction. Since stepper motors use a drive sequence (the same one you asked about before which means you don't understand how stepper motors work) the windings need to be energized in a particular order.(sequence) so if Inputs 1,2, 3, 4. are considered to be binary
inputs 4:3:2:1, , the if output 4 is HIGH, and all the others are LOW, that represents 1000 => 8 decimal
0100=> 4 decimal
0110 => 3 decimal
0010 => 2 decimal
and so forth.
consequently the phase sequence pattern on page 6 of the L297 datasheet which I posted and you never commented on, shows the correct sequences for normal mode, wave mode, half step etc..
If you want to simulate a stepper driver you can do it with transistors driving the windings. If you want to test the L298, without a library you need to drive it following the sequence. Your previous posts indicate you are neither aware of the drive sequence , nor the
correct voltages for the L298 pins which leaves us basically nowhere. If we are going to help you then you need to help us by proving to us (somehow) that you understand the following:
1- How a stepper motor works
2- How an H-bridge works

3- The correct way to use the L298

4- How to build an H-bridge using mosfets or transistors

5-The correct drive sequence(s) to drive a stepper motor

I think you can plug an L298 Multiwat15 IC into a breadboard but I have never tried.
I know you can get a generic prototyping pcb with plated through holes that can be used to bring the L298 pins out to a pcb-mount board edge connector like a Phoenix style with screw terminals.