problem with Leonardo and firmata


I can't make Firmata test (firmata_test.exe) work with my leonardo board.
I works fine with and Uno, but with the Leonardo, I try picking up any serial port number, but the switch don't appear!
I have updated the library from Download (Firmata) . I just copy pasted the files in the arduino folder...but it didn't solve the problem

Thanks for your help

What is talking to the Arduino? The Leonardo needs to have DTR enabled to get serial communications to work. I'm guessing that the PC doesn't set that flag.

I can do other basic operation (download etc...) with the board.
Thanks for your answer, but I have no idea what DTR is, I can't find relevant info on google :drooling_face:

Has the Firmata sketch got a while ( ! Serial ){ }; in the setup function?


here is it:

void setup()

Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);
Firmata.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, digitalWriteCallback);
Firmata.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, reportAnalogCallback);
Firmata.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, reportDigitalCallback);
Firmata.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, setPinModeCallback);
Firmata.attach(START_SYSEX, sysexCallback);
Firmata.attach(SYSTEM_RESET, systemResetCallback);

systemResetCallback(); // reset to default config

Thanks for your answer, but I have no idea what DTR is, I can't find relevant info on google

The proper ratio of answers to questions is 1.0 or higher. You have not achieved that target.

Then go to the Leonardo page, read what it says about the serial and then add the line it tells you on that page at the very start of setup. I might have the syntax wrong butit gives you the idea.


Thanks for your answer, but I have no idea what DTR is, I can't find relevant info on google

The proper ratio of answers to questions is 1.0 or higher. You have not achieved that target.

and what about the ratio of your sens of humor?

Then go to the Leonardo page, read what it says about the serial and then add the line it tells you on that page at the very start of setup. I might have the syntax wrong butit gives you the idea.

thanks, I found:

  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only

I added it but doesn't work better =(

and what about the ratio of your sens of humor?

I've never found it funny when I ask questions and I don't get answers. I guess I'm just weird that way.

if you talk about the question "What is talking to the Arduino?", I answered "I can do other basic operation (download etc...) with the board"
it seems it's not the good answer, I probably miss understood
could you ask again please, and could be more "basic" in your speaking, I am french

Look at your Arduino. There is a USB cable attached to it. The other end goes somewhere. I'm guessing that it does not go to a chicken coop. I'm guessing that it does go to a PC.

I'm guessing that there is some application running on the PC that is trying, and failing, to use the firmata protocol to talk to the Arduino. What I am not able to do is guess what that application is. So, I'm asking you, and you are dancing around not answering that simple question.


Have you try this?

To use firmata with the Arduino Leonardo you must update the firmata library in the Arduino application to firmata version 2.3.2 or greater.

Upgrade Arduino IDE (even could try Beta version), then open the code with the File > Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata menu, and then upload it to your Leonardo.

I done it, Arduino ver 1.5.2 and firmata ver2.3.5

at PaulS
Sure I am the one who don't want to solve the problem
first, I saw some ardware are found as arduino, but I can't diable them:

also, I tried a software to control the usb connexions,

but I couldn't enable or disable things, even as administrator

thanks for the help