For a digital scale project I've connected Arduino mega 2560 to the loadcell by a hx711 chip.
Everything works fine and I get the weight. The number which I get from hx711 should be multiplied by a number to get the weight in grams. The number which I get for a weight like a 500 gr one,
is not stable. I think this is normal. So I cut the weights lower than 5 grams and I finally get the weight by 5 gram distances, Like 0, 5, 10, ...
So far, Everything is OK and the weight is stable. But after a while for example 10 ... 20 seconds the weight goes up and down for 1 or 2 seconds and then stable again.
I powered hx711 with 5v , GND of arduino.
How can I fix this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!