Are 4 AA batteries enough to power two BO Motors and one Bluetooth module? I even used a DC-DC boost module but it didn't work! i ended up frying my arduino UNO. i am trying to control the car with the help of a bluetooth module and it works through USB but not through VIN using external power supply. Is it the problem with the power supply or bluetooth?
Please read and use the topic "How to get the best from this forum".
Wanted: links to datasheet for motors and BT module. Schematics/wiring.
can't i just get a direct answer pls
will a 9v battery be enough? should i use the barrel jack for the 9v battery or the VIN pin?
If you're considering the below type, no.
The barrel has an additional diode to prevent damage when you wire it incorrectly.
If you're considering the below type, no.
then what should i use???
Do you have a motor driver for the motors?
of course i do
everything works great when plugged via usb to my laptop, the car responds to the bluetooth signals
Which one and how is it connected
No, not with that little information you provided. Your question is like
'I have car, can I drive 100mph with it?'
Then use a small USB power bank and connect it to he UNO usb connector.
ok, i am making a bluetooth controlled car in which i am using two BO motors (and a caster wheel in the front), a bluetooth module, the motor driver is custom printed which i got from a kit and for the arduino, i am using an arduino uno. the car is working perfectly fine when plugged via a usb A to B cable to my laptop. but i can't have a cable all the time when running the car. So i used 4 AA batteries, but it didn't work. i used a dc-dc boost module, didn't work. so what external power source do i use?
Then use a small USB power bank and connect it to he UNO usb connector.
well, actually, even when using the usb plugged into my laptop, it doesn't properly work. i am guessing this is happening because the usb port on the arduino limits the power to 5v
No, more than likely it's because you are powering your motors from the arduino
doesn't this mean the same as what i said?
You still don't provide any technical data - especially for the motors and its drivers. These technical data is essential to select a proper power supply. Without this data, everything is just guesswork.
Basically, yes