Problem with mpu6050 and arduino nano

Hello everybody, I have a problem with mpu6050 and arduino nano, I'm make a drone and I was experiencing with the example called "MPU6050_DMP6" I installed a lot of libraries and I followed a lot of tutorials but I can't make it work, I connected SDA in pin A4, SCL in Pin A5 VCC in 5v.
When I run the code, the first thing that the monitor serial shows me is:
the first thing the serial monitor shows me is:
Initializing I2C devices...
Testing device connections...
MPU6050 connection failed

Send any character to begin DMP programming and demo:
Initializing DMP...
DMP Initialization failed (code 1)

Not only that but I've tried with many codes, and none works.
Please, if somebody have the same problem help me, I really don't have any idea to do.

Connections are good and you have tried different libraries which points to only one direction that your module is not working.

MPU6050 is not that difficult to run. Try basic example from its Arduino IDE Library to get raw data. That works like charm.

The MPU6050 is a 3.3V device. Post a link to the module you are using.

Did you connect the grounds?