Problem with Music box HELP needed quickly if possible

Hey guys,

I am building a music box with a 3,5mm headphone jack controlled by an Arduino. So i wanted to ask whether it is possible that the Arduino can send a signal to the for example phone which is plugged in, to play/pause music. Just as the buttons you see on nearly every headphone. And can someone explain how to do it?

Thank you very much for your Help.

So i wanted to ask whether it is possible that the Arduino can send a signal to the for example phone which is plugged in, to play/pause music.


Thank you but can you explain how to ?

Well you have to be a lot more specific about exactly what you want to do.

For example you want to read headphone push buttons so what headphones and how many buttons. These use an extra connector on the jack socket and they provide a changing resistance to ground. So the Arduino has to be able to read this using the A/D converter and possibly a pull up resistor.

Then when you have these push button messages what are you going to send them to? Is there code on the thing you want to receive the messages? What format message does this code need.

This project is not one you are going to do in a hurry, there is a lot to it.

Maybe you were expecting me to point to a written project that does this already for you to copy. Sorry but I don’t know any.

Thank you, to be more precise i want to push a button and if this button is pushed the Arduino should send a signal trough the 3,5mm headphone cable to the phone which then stops the music. Just like nearly all headphones do it. Hope it helps you to understand my problem.

Just like nearly all headphones do it.

Yes but the headphones I have seen are tied to the specific device they want to control. So the controls on one of my old mini disc players would not work with the other mini disc player I had. I have not seen many headphones like this despite you saying that all headphones have this. Have you a link to one such pair?

I would look into using a digital pot to generate the resistances you require to feed into your device. Then maybe you could try some resistance and try and reverse engineering like that.

Or for a test just try switching resistors acros that control input to see if you can trigger a control.

Thank you very much.

And here are a pair:

Thanks for the link. You will notice that the jack is a four connector jack. This will not fit just any 3.5 mm jack socket like the link claims.

This explains some of the ways they are wired

Get your resistance meter and measure the resistance between two of the connectors and try and find a pair that changes resistance when the buttons are pushed. Then you will know what wires you need to connect Whalen you make your four pole connector to your device you want to control.

This might help you

Thank you i think i figured it out. Will write you i it worked.