Problem with my codes, pH sensor and buzzer alarm

int analogInPin = A0; 
int buzzerPin = 8;

void setup()
pinMode (buzzerPin,OUTPUT);// set buzzer as an output
pinMode (analogInPin,INPUT);//set ph sensor as an input
 Serial.begin(9600);//start serial port at 9600 bauds

void loop() 
int sensor =analogRead(A5); // read the ph sensor
 Serial.println (A5);// print the value of the ph sensor to the serial monitor

if ((A5 < 6.5) && (A5 > 9.0)) {
  digitalWrite(8,HIGH); // if the ph sensor senses too low or too high ph level, turn the buzzer on
    tone (8, 5000);
else ((A5 > 6.6)); {
  digitalWrite (8,LOW);// if the ph sensor senses normal ph level, turn the buzzer off
  tone (8, 0);
if ((A5 < 6.5) &

A5 has the value 19, on a Uno,IIRC

else ((A5 > 6.6));


int sensor =analogRead(A5); // read the ph sensor into a variable called sensor
 Serial.println (sensor);// print the value of the sensor variable to the serial monitor

Hope this helps

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