Hi, Guys!
I'm new about using/programming Arduino microcontrollers (I used Microchip PIC ones, with ASM progs).
I'd like to make a small display unit from an Arduino NANO and a 128x64 I2C OLED display.
I've found a good homepage: 0.96 Inch OLED I2C Display 128 x 64 | Arduino Tutorial I followed the instructions of this.
I downloaded Arduino 1.0.5. and the questionable libraries. I copied the "Text "Hello World" and Pixel Demo Program" sketch to the empty sheet of the program, and when I tried to compile it, I got following error message: (I attached a txt).
It seems, that there are any problems about new libraries. But WHAT problems?
Please help me. Thx: rcph
error.txt (20.9 KB)