Problem with nodemcu serial communication

Hello all,,
I have a problem with the connection between the nodemcu esp8266 v3 & esp8266 wifi shield
This is because I have this car
The internet chip that came with the robot car did not work

But I do not know the ways to connect these two sims from one input from the nodemcu esp8266 v3لوحة-تطوير-esp8266-v3/p65209644

to esp8266 wifi shield and send me, does anyone know what to do?

What circuit might that be? How do You know it's faulty and all the rest is okey?

It's not popular to plow through an entire kit to know....


Start by reading this: How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / Project Guidance - Arduino Forum

I contacted the company that manufactured the car to solve this problem, but they told me that this piece of the Internet must work, and the last response was to them that there seems to be a problem with the Internet chip that came with the robot car.

If You post schematics, code and linkk to the datasheets, maybe forum can see something.
There are several reasons for failure that are more likely the case then an IC being faulty.

It works now, I did the basic i2c connection and it works now, thank you for trying to help me :+1:t2: :blush:

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