Problem with optoisolator and Arduino as a flash trigger

I am trying to copy Matt Richardson’s project on making a sound trigger to activate a Nikon flash. I am using an Arduino Micro, with LED on Pin 10, Button on pin 5, Flash trigger on pin 12, and a piezo sensor, to A0, and ground. The sensor has a 1meg ohm resister across both wires. The optoisolator is a Panasonic AQW280EH. A 10K ohm resistor from pin 12 @5v of Arduino, to pin 1 of opto and pin 2 of opto to ground. Arduino 5v and ground are used on outside rail of breadboard.
I can get an LED to light up, so I know the circuit works as planned, up to the opto. But I cannot get the opto to close the circuit on the other side. The Nikon flash has a trigger voltage of about 5.5V as close as I could measure it, without a scope.
Here is a video of me struggling to show that the circuit works, up to the isolator.

The AQW289EH data sheet @

Here is the code. It was slightly modified from Matt Richardson’s, eliminating the camera trigger, and work lights.
/* Audio camera trigger by Matt Richardson
This is a basic sound-detecting camera & flash trigger for Arduino.
Use a piezo element for sensor (see
Use optoisolators (aka optocouplers) for the flash and camera triggers
Camera must be in BULB mode for shutter release to work

#define BUTTON_PIN 5
#define SENSOR_PIN 0
#define LED_PIN 10
#define STANDBY 0
#define ACTIVE 1

int mode = STANDBY;

// For best results, set flashDelayMS according to what type
// of shot you're doing. 0 seems best for balloon burst while
// 10 seems best for shattering glass. YMMV.
long flashDelayMS = 10;

void setup() {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);

void loop() {
if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == HIGH)
mode = ACTIVE;
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // show we're ready
if ((mode == ACTIVE) && (analogRead(SENSOR_PIN) > SENSOR_THRESHOLD)) //
{ //If we're in ACTIVE mode and we sense a pop:
digitalWrite(FLASH_TRIGGER_PIN, HIGH); // fire flash
mode = STANDBY;
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);

Thanks for any help. Sorry I am more mechanical then electrical in my background, but I am learning...

you need to use a 4.7k resistor on the LED side of the opto, not a 10k. neg -> 4.7k -> led -> pos etc.

sirbow2 beat me to it. The 10K resistor may be too much resistance to turn on the LED in the relay. I would try a 2.2K resistor as a test. That should be about 2ma or so. It needs 1.8ma to turn on fully according to the datasheet.

Thank you both. I did try a 4.7k first and no luck. I will get some 2.2k and try that.
By the way, how to test opto, to be sure it is not burnt out?

Measure the voltage across the relay input pins while the resistor has power (5v). According to the datasheet, it should have about 1.25v across those pins.

Thank you Tim.

if a 2.2k still doesnt work, then try a new chip and check that the opto is triggering. dunna why it would be burned out, but you never know.

Ok, I found out something. I used a 200k resistor from the 'hot rail' off of the 5V pin of the arduino, and it worked as I momentarily jumped it to the opto. I tried a 4.7k and it would not fire. I will try 2.2 when I get out in the morning. Also, 1/2 of the chip is bad.
Thanks for the help, I have been going nuts for 3 days!

Are you sure that was 200kohm?
red - black - yellow

Oops... red red brown. 220 ohm

Oops... red red brown. 220 ohm

Careful. You can burn out the LED. The datasheet says 3ma is about all it can take reliably, and that will be around 15ma.

edit: The maximum rating is 50ma on the input, so you should be ok.

Darn it I was wrong again, now I can red black brown.

Are you sure that is not red - red - black - gold ?
That would be 22 ohms 5% tolerance. And that would be way over the max current allowed for that device.

I am not sure of anything now. This has 3 bands close together, brown, black, red, then a space and red.
Sorry if I seem like a dummy. (I know I know) so I guess the last red is the tolerance @2%
Bear with me...I will be out of your hair soon I hope. (for now)

brown - black - red - - red would be 1Kohm, 2% tolerance. That should be about 3.5ma current considering the voltage drop across the LED. That is pretty close, considering you are activating it for such a short time and a very low duty cycle.

Well I went out and got the 2.2k and it works, so I will use that. The 4.7k definitely did not. Thanks everyone for the help. Now I am going to clean it up and put
it into a little black plastic box that looks just like an old video cassette box.

It works!!! With a press of the button, it opens the camera shutter set on bulb mode, waits for a sound input from the sensor, triggers the flash when it hears it, then closes the shutter.
I mounted it in a plastic video cassette case, and other then a little flex when the button is pushed, works great.
Thanks to all that helped.!i=2524935639&k=Rg9DnFm!i=2524935860&k=z2xkgzp
