hi guys,
my project is almost complete,but there is problem with powering it through a single power supply.
my project is gsm enabled switch.
the components are:- arduino nano, gsm 900a module, led, and a servo motor(http://www.amazon.in/TowerPro-MG995-Metal-Servo-REES52-COM/dp/B0156059W2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00).
arduino is powering the gsm900a module and the led, the servo is powered by separate power suplly.
if i power arduino and servo with separate 5v power adapter, the project is working, but when i power both arduino and servo with single 5v power adapter then the arduino restarts.
so can someone help me out with this so that i can power both arduino and servo with a single power supply.
No experience with the GSM or servo, but I found peak currents of 1.8Amp for the GSM module, and a stall current of 1.5Amp for the servo. The supply should be able to deliver that current.
Powering with separate supplies is good - sharing power between motors (like a servo) and digital
logic (like Arduino/GSM shield) is poor practice.
so what will be the best way of sharing the power supply, so that i have only one power cord going into the ac main(like a mobile power adapter) to power my project??
connect both the supplies to an IEC socket in the case of your project so a kettle-lead can be
used to the wall? You can add a fuse/switch as well if it makes sense.