I have a quick question for the Arduino's community about humidity sensors. My project is to measure humidity of the soil at different depth. In order to make sure numbers I see make sense, I measured humidity first in a dry soil, and then slowly increased humidity. I wait long enough to reach stability of the system. When I use the sensor V1.2, I have a pretty linear correlation from 0 to 100%, but when I use SHT10 or SHT30, it looks more like a logarithmic curve in which measurement saturates at 100% while humidity is only 5% in the soil. Is it normal? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
The program is very standard and I'm using libraries SHT1x-master (SHT1x/SHT1x.h at master · practicalarduino/SHT1x · GitHub) and SHT3x-master (SHT3x/SHT3x.h at master · Risele/SHT3x · GitHub)
Thank you so much in advance for your help
Can you give a link or a photo of your SHT modules ?
The sensor itself is only for the Relative Humidity of air. Sometimes a special case is used to protect them from rain. However, putting them in soil is something else.
There are capacitive sensors with protection for the electronics. They can be put deeper in the soil.
You can also do that yourself. Search for capacitive soil sensor in combination with: "waterproof", "waterproofing", "ruggedized", "soilwatch 10", and so on.
But that's fine. Now I know at least what's wrong with my measurements with these SHTs. Thanks to you! I will try to recycle them for something else. I will follow your advice.
That is a very nice weatherproof casing. Putting them in soil is almost the same as putting them in water. In the long run they don't like that.
Can you open the casing to check if the sensor is not dirty ? Let it dry for a week and try to measure the air humidity.
I think the SHT30 is not protected.
Others can have a filter membrane or a protection cover: Humidity.
Can you confirm that someone has used such a sensor in the soil and that it still works after a few years ?
Adafruit test what they sell, and they try to make a good selection of useful components.
There is a whole lot of bad rubbish out there. You can buy hundred things that promise a lot and none is okay.
Use capacitive sensors or else something from a well known brand.