We are having problem with SIM900 based GSM shields.
The one locally available are of very poor quality, most of the time these shields are not working.
Our task involves sensor data capture from remote location, we have to depend on telecom networks(GSM) to capture the data and move it to the remote server.
Are there any alternatives SIM900 ?
Can we use ordinary GSM mobile phones as an alternative to SIM900 GSM shields ?
If yes how do we interface these phones with Arduino for sending SMS?
The one locally available are of very poor quality, most of the time these shields are not working.
I don't think it matters where you are, the only circumstance where what you say makes sense is where the locally available GSM shield is locally made and not exported i.e. you have a problem that nobody else has.
Since most shields are made in the same place - China, this is not likely to be the case and your real problem is not the quality of the locally available shields, it's the quality of the locally available people who can't get them to work i.e. the shields are fine but the people don't know what they are doing. The solution is to talk to people who do know what they are doing. You will find quite a few on this forum.
If it IS the case and the only shield you can get is made in some back street in Bishkek or whatever, I believe it is possible to use a mobile phone but not an ordinary one. You need a phone that has USB host facility. I have five mobiles and only one of them can do this - a Samsung smartphone. You may find that a phablet usually can but I only say this because it is common in tablets. Note that an ordinary mobile may have a data cable but that doesn't mean you can use it for this. Once you have the phone sorted, you need a USB shield, presumably one from a better source than the GSM shield. I believe this is all more trouble than it is worth and you are much better off doing a proper job with the gear you already have to hand. You might even get to be locally famous when you succeed.
The best place to start is to provide a link and/or photo of the GSM shield.
I believe the most common problem in this arena is not the shield but more the power supply. If you are not aware of that, it may turn out to be your only problem.
OK, all the boards I have seen before seemed to be the same, and this IS something new, but somebody else should be familiar with it. I note with interest that it isn't made in Kyrgystan, or even China, but clearly marked "Made in India". I even see that they are very specific about the power supply, which is a really good idea.
I also note that, contrary to what you said, it is not an Arduino shield. This does not mean that it won't work with Arduino. It may require an RS232 shield on Arduino.
I suggest you make a new post and be specific about the device.