Good evening to everyone.
I have a problem with a sketch i found in the forum for one PTZ camera control with 485.
This is the code:
This program is used for an Arduino to receive and decode PELCO-D PTZ CommandsThanks to Michael Blaylock for his sketch. Learning how to read and procces serial data
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 9, 8, 7, 6);
byte outArray[7]; // read data Pelco Command
unsigned stopcheck; // For checking when a STOP command is received (257 Decimal)
int checksum; // For Calculating Checksum. Sum of the payload bytes (bytes 2 through 6) in the message
int ByteNumber;
int MotorSpeed;void setup(){
lcd.begin(16, 2); // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
Serial.begin(9600); // baud rate 9600 can be 1200,2400 or 4800
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);}
void displayData() // Display the array in serial monitor for debugging
for (int j = 0; j<7; j+=1){
Serial.println("Data Printed");}void loop()
if ( Serial.available () > 0) {
outArray[ByteNumber ++] =;}if ( ByteNumber > 6){ // process it
ByteNumber = 0; // ready for next time
// displayData(); // for debuggingstopcheck = outArray[0] + outArray[1] + outArray[2] + outArray[3] + outArray[4] + outArray[5] + outArray[6] ; // Calculate if STOP Command is received
if ( stopcheck == 257){ // When stopcheck is 257 decimal a STOP command is received
StopActions();} // Stop all PTZ Actionselse{ printCommand();} // Print Pelco command on LCD
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],0) == 0 ){ // When BIT 0 = 0 command 2 than data is Normal command (PTZ)
Decoderen();} // Try to decode the Pelco Commandif ( bitRead(outArray[3],0) == 1 ){ // When BIT 0 = 1 command 2 than data is an Extended command
ExtendedCommands();} // Try to decode the Extended Pelco Command} // end if full
} // end of loopvoid Decoderen()
MotorSpeed = map (outArray[4], 0, 0x3F, 255, 0);
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],1) == 1 ){
analogWrite(3 , MotorSpeed);
// digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
lcd.print("RIGHT SPEED: ");
lcd.print(outArray[4]);}if ( bitRead(outArray[3],2) == 1 ){
analogWrite(5, MotorSpeed);
// digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
lcd.print("LEFT SPEED: ");
lcd.print(outArray[4]);}if ( bitRead(outArray[3],3) == 1 ){
lcd.print("UP SPEED: ");
lcd.print(outArray[5]);}if ( bitRead(outArray[3],4) == 1 ){
lcd.print("DOWN SPEED: ");
lcd.print(outArray[5]);}// ZOOM IRIS FOCUS:
if ( bitRead(outArray[2],2) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Iris Close");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[2],1) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Iris Open");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[2],0) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Focus Near");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],7) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Focus Far ");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],6) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Zoom Wide ");}
if ( bitRead(outArray[3],5) == 1 ){
lcd.print("Zoom Tele ");}}
void ExtendedCommands()
if ( outArray[2] == 0 ){ // Only continu when Word 3 is 0
if ( outArray[3] == 0x03 ){ // SET PRESET
lcd.print("Set Preset: ");
lcd.print(outArray[5]-1);} // PRINT Preset. -1 to calculate right presetif ( outArray[3] == 0x05 ){ // Clear Preset
lcd.print("Clear Preset:");
lcd.print(outArray[5]-1);} // PRINT Preset. -1 to calculate right preset}}
My problem is the two lines in yellow becouse in the sketch never define that function (StopActions() and printCommand())
This is what i must to do:
thanks everybody for the help !!!!