Hello everybody;
I am having a problem with my project. As a brief overview, it has an RTC that is updated to an NTP server. It sends out commands to a TCP/Web enabled powerstrip such that I can turn on (lights, misting thing, or tropical rain). In addition, it has a DHT22 temp/humidty sensor. All this is running on a Mega.
I use Alarm.repeat to interrogate the powerstrip ever 5 minutes or so
Alarm.alarmRepeat(0,30,0,setTheTime); // off to the atomic clock to sync clocks
Alarm.alarmRepeat(9,30,0,monsoonTime); // gentle tropical tempest
These appear to work well.
However, when I interrogate the powerstrip, I also get readings from the DHT22 sensor.
Then, I write out the readings and time to an SD card. => and from time to time, it will flip out and the Arduino will suddenly have a system date of 2055.
Any ideas?
It appears to work - but for some reason, there seems to be a hicup somewhere, and the Arduino system time gets set to 2055, turning on the tropical rain. Debugging shows me that the RTC is not effected. As the DHT22 and the RTC both seem to be working off of the WIRE library, could it be that they are stepping on each other?
Am using Arduino 1.03.