I have wery weird problem with timer function. First I thought that the problem is caused by the SD card module but after some mods in the code I see that SD module is ok.
In short words I am building autonomous mapping robot and I am using:
Arduino Mega 2560
Motor Shield
Two DC motors
two LM393 sensors (to get speed of wheels speening)
two SR04 ultrasonic sensors (to follow walls and avoid obstacles
micro SD card module
To measure speed I have to use timer, which I think causes the problem.
The code to my program:
And the section of the code which I think causes the problem:
void setup() {
//Ustawienie timera
Timer1.initialize(1000000); // ustawienie timera na sekunde
//zwieksz counter1 gdy pin predkosciomieza jest na Hig
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt (motor_A), ISR_count_A, RISING);
//zwieksz counter2 gdy pin predkosciomieza jest na High
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt (motor_B), ISR_count_B, RISING);
void ISR_timerone(){
Timer1.detachInterrupt(); //Stop timera
Serial.print("Motor1 Speed: ");
float rotation_A = (counter_A / diskslots) * 60.00; //obliczenie obrotow na minute (RPM) dla motor1
Serial.print(" Cm/s - ");
counter_A = 0;
Serial.print("Motor2 Speed: ");
float rotation_B = (counter_B / diskslots) * 60.00; //obliczenie obrotow na minute (RPM) dla motor2
Serial.println(" Cm/s");
counter_B = 0;
float srednia_predkosc = (RMPtoCmS(rotation_A) + RMPtoCmS(rotation_B)) /2;
//zapisywanie informacji o prędkości na karcie SD
myFile = SD.open("DaneMapy.txt", FILE_WRITE);
if (myFile) {
Serial.println("Writing to file...");
myFile.print("Motor1: ");
myFile.print("Motor2: ");
myFile.print(" Średnia prędkość: ");
When I run my robot with timer function involved only one motor Is working (It doesnt matter if I run it on external power or on USB power).
Second problem is that when I run my robot on external power the info is beeing written to SD card, and when I run it on external power it is not.
I think both or this problems are interrelated.
I also have to indicate that even if I comment printing to myFile section second motor is not working.
What can couse the problem? Did I implement timer function incorrectly?
I attach schematic (sorry for messy scheme but I am new).
How are you running your DC motors? Via PWM? Maybe the PWM for one motor is generated using Timer 1 so obviously that does not work after resetting the timer to count.
I am running my motors using PID controller and they are named differently. In the timer I call them morot_A and motor_B but in the running motors function I am using motor1 and motor2 names.
U can check it all in the code i attached to my post.
I don't see a program file attached to your Original Post, I see an image file. If you want us to view an image please make it visible in your Post. See this Simple Image Guide
However don't post a picture of a program because it can't be copied to a text editor.
A clear description of the hardware you are using would also be helpful - especially the datasheet for the speed sensors.
I can't imagine why you would need to use the Timer1 function.
I am running my motors using PID controller and they are named differently. In the timer I call them morot_A and motor_B but in the running motors function I am using motor1 and motor2 names.
Your naming has nothing to do with the actual hardware being used. The Timer 1 of your arduino is configured to generate a signal for one of the motors and you reconfigured it to count ticks instead.
I don't see a program file attached to your Original Post, I see an image file. If you want us to view an image please make it visible in your Post. See this Simple Image Guide
However don't post a picture of a program because it can't be copied to a text editor.
A clear description of the hardware you are using would also be helpful - especially the datasheet for the speed sensors.
I can't imagine why you would need to use the Timer1 function.
Ok I am gonna tell you what I want my robot to do.
I want to send true of fallse of working of each motors, and average speed of both of them to SD card.
For exampe:
The AFMotor library is depreceated. Is there a reason for you to use it?
Don't ever use goto in your program. And by that I mean never - there is no reason to use it.
What Arduino are you using?
Your Timer 1 interrupt is way to long. You even write to your sd card in there ...
So what libary for motor shield should I use?
Ok I changed that
Arduino Mega 2560 with L293D motorshield
I know that this timer is bad and I removed it. I just dont know how to write to my sd card data, without interrupting my robots work. It can even stop for a half a second, send data and go back to driving all the time, but I dont know how to do it.
Let's forget about speed sensors, I can shut them down for now because I want to focus on data printin
This is the only way that speed sensors have anything to do with motors. They dont set speed to them or anything. Just measuring speed. Lest forget about them now
Arduino Mega 2560 with L293D motorshield
[4.] I know that this timer is bad and I removed it. I just dont know how to write to my sd card data, without interrupting my robots work. It can even stop for a half a second, send data and go back to driving all the time, but I dont know how to do it.
You have to do a bit of research yourself on that one.
Good, because:
On the Arduino Mega 2560 motor 1 uses timer 1
Okay, so that is a completely different problem. The answer is: you can't. With a single core processor like the arduino, without any dma, how would that even work? The SD library is already using the SPI with interrupts and that is as asynchronous as it can get. Why do you even need to write to the sd card every second? You can buffer the data in memory, stop the robot and then write the big chunk of recorded data to sd.
When you rotate the "small wheel" exactly one turn what happens to the sensor?
The ''small wheel" have an ammount of 20 holes in it as you could see on the previous picture.
The sensor have a transmiter and reciver "looking at each other" ( U shape) and their are placed between the small wheel.
So when there is a part of the small wheel with the hole in it, sensor reciver can see the light beam of transmiter, and the sensor pin goes HIGH. And and when the small wheel blocks the beam of light sensor pin goes LOW.