Problem with tinkercad WGM13

The code still freezes at the setup of TCCR1B in Tinkercad. Why does this happen? (I am now using pin 10 to control the servo motor, but when I connect pin 10 to the servo motor, Tinkercad freezes.)

void setup(){
  SREG &=~ (1<<SREG_I);
  TCCR1A = 
    1 << COM1B1 |
    1 << WGM11;
  TCCR1B = 
    1 << WGM13 |
    1 << CS11;
  DDRB = 
    1 << DDB2;
  OCR1B = 0;
  ICR1 = 20000;
  SREG |= (1<<SREG_I);