Hello there. I can't get a correct value for distance measure when using IRremote.h. If I comment the line which uses IRremote.h it works properly, but with the line it does not work. I know that there may be conflicts with the library in the terms of used pins, but I haven't figured out what may be wrong this time. Here is the link to the TinkerCad project Circuit design Problem_With_Ultra_Sound | Tinkercad
Please, put in your comments if somebody knows which exact conflict has happened.
Please post the code, using code tags, and identify where each library came from.
I can't get a correct value for distance measure
Explain what you expect to see, and what you see instead. Post examples.
Most members, me included, do not want to go to other sites to be able to help. Please read the how to get the best from the forum post and post your code here according to the instructions and post code in a code block.
Please use the IDE autoformat Tool before posting code.
A schematic or circuit diagram, posted here, will also be of value.
jremington, groundFungus, thank you much for your replies. I gave a link to the TinkerCad project when created a topic. The problem is 3D modeled and may be watched from there. It's not on the IDE yet. From there you can see what components are used and what is wrong. I just measure obstacle distance with ultrasound, but when I use IRremote.h library to manage a robot movement, for example, it shows incorrect value to Serial.println().
I could post a code, but would hardly explain anything without components in action.
If i follow the link all i see is a small breadboard view that is missing a lot of information. To see any more, i must make an account. That is more than i am willing to do. Others have had trouble with TinkerCad projects and managed to post their code and schematic here.
TinkerCad has been known to have deficiencies. If i have enough ingormation i may be able to wire up the project with real hardware to see if the problem my be a TinkerCad issue.
What is the part number of the IR sensor? Or post a photo of it.
This page may be of interest. How to use <IRremote.h> and <NewPing.h> in one program
You are wasting your time and ours. Post on the TinkerCad forum, if there is one.
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