Problem with using ADS1115

Hi guys, I am trying to use the ADS1115 16-bit ADC module with an Arduino uno.

I connected like that. and source code is

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_ADS1015.h>

Adafruit_ADS1115 ads; // Default Address 0x48
float DCV = 0.0;

void setup(void)

void loop(void)
int16_t adc0;

adc0 = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);
DCV = (adc0 * 0.1875)/1000.0;

Serial.print("* AIN0 = "); Serial.print(adc0);
Serial.print(", DCV = "); Serial.println(DCV, 7);


But serial output is
**AIN0: 15028 DCV: 2.8177499 **
not 3.3~~~

So, i connected A0 to GND,
**AIN0: -585 DCV: -0.1096875 **

And i connected A0 to 0.446V node,
AIN0: -299 Voltage: -0.0560625

The minus value! >:(
When i add AIN0 to 585, other values are incorrect.
What should i do?

  int16_t adc0; 
  adc0 = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);

readADC_SingleEnded returns an unsigned 16 bit int, not signed.


  int16_t adc0; 

adc0 = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);

readADC_SingleEnded returns an unsigned 16 bit int, not signed.

Then, why serial print minus values?
And, why serial print incorrect values?

Just need Offset? regardless gnd(0V), Serial-output Voltage + 0.5V ≈ Multimeter Voltage (but not at <0.2V)

I tested some voltage node,
Multimeter / Serial-output
4.835V / AIN0: 23040 Voltage: 4.3200001
4.287V / AIN0: 20186 Voltage: 3.7848749
3.78V / AIN0: 17494 Voltage: 3.2801249
2.5V / AIN0: 10703 Voltage: 2.0068125
1.36V / AIN0: 4594 Voltage: 0.8613750
0.6V / AIN0: 515 Voltage: 0.0965625
0.334V / AIN0: -896 Voltage: -0.1680000
0.12V / AIN0: -1161 Voltage: -0.2176875
gnd(0V) / AIN0: -585 Voltage: -0.1096875

What do you read when you connect the UNO 3.3V pin to ADS1115, AIN0? What does your DMM say?

What do you read when you connect the UNO 3.3V pin to ADS1115, AIN0? What does your DMM say?

DMM: 3.320V

Serial Output
AIN0:15054 Voltage: 2.8226

if i add AIN0 to 2658 as offset, Voltage almost correct at 0.3V~5V. but at < 0.3V, serial is not correct.

Voltage almost correct at 0.3V~5V. but at < 0.3V, serial is not correct.

Did you connect ADS ground to Arduino ground.
Post a picture of the setup.

I connected ADS gnd to Uno gnd. and A0 to 3.3V

Seems to be connected ok.
I assume you tested/replaced all the wires before posting.

You could try setting the chip to a PGA gain of one (4.096volt FS).
And/or measure in differential mode, with the other input connected to ground.
If none of the above helps, then I would try another ADS board.

Then, why serial print minus values?

That's the magic of integers.

If the ADS provides you a value > 32,767 it will be converted to a negative value because you store it in a signed integer type.


  int16_t adc0; 

adc0 = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);

readADC_SingleEnded returns an unsigned 16 bit int, not signed.

Is not true. Excerpt from the lib:

int16_t   readADC_SingleEnded(uint8_t channel);

Then, why serial print minus values?

The datasheet says:

because of device offset, the ADS111x can still output negative codes in case VAINP is close to 0 V

But since max offset error is only +/- 3 LSBs, that doesn't seem to explain negative codes at 0.3v.

Is not true. Excerpt from the lib:

int16_t   readADC_SingleEnded(uint8_t channel);

The datasheet says:

But since max offset error is only +/- 3 LSBs, that doesn't seem to explain negative codes at 0.3v.

Thanks. I try to change arduino, bradboard, wire, computer ... except for ads1115.
I think my ads1115's calibration is wrong or broken. thanks again.