problem with wave shield

i have build my wave shield with arduino uno.
i have installed the new library WaveHC and i have installed the example "daphc"
i have uploaded the file 1.wav and 2.wav o my SDCard 4gb formatted on FAT32
i have uploaded and compiled the example "dapc" on arduino uno.
The example, start and work on arduino monitor, the sd card was read correclty anc the file 1.wav and 2.wav was read and loop on the monitor, but the music don't hear in the headphones.
It's a welding problem? Or it's obligatory to connect an external speaker?
Thank you in advance,

It's a welding problem?

I hope not it should be soldered.
It could be anything you have not given us much to go on.
No link to exactly what wave shield you have.
No photograph of your setup.
No indication as to if you have an oscilloscope which you will probbley need to solve this.

I would check the following:


for cold soldering joints..
as well as being seated correctly (correct orientation of part/IC)

you can also do the headphone test and touch the wires to the board.. see if you can hear the UN-amplified audio..

have you dont any searching/reading over at the Adafruit forums? this question is asked alot.. as well many of the solutions that people have done/tried..