Problem with Wifi Shield TinySine


I have my Arduino UNO R3 + WIFI TinySine SHIELD, I configured the wifi shield with console commands following the steps in the manual and works perfect as I respond to pings.

The problem is that I can not use the wifi shield from the IDE, if I put the post on WifiWebClient example wifi.h and show me the error "WiFi shield not present", same with Wifly library and have not found any examples with this shield TinySine specifically.

This shield has 3 switches:

UART / Serial Soft
Normal / AP

I'm not clear, the function of these switches as much as I investigate, I've tried all the combinations and the result is the same.

Do you know the function of these switches and how to use this shield from the IDE to make my script?



I realize this is pretty old. Im on the same boat.

I have a TinySine Wifi shield, which I understand uses the WiFly-EZX. At least that is what shows up in my Linksys router ID as a DHCP client connected to the local network. I have it configured for my network and I can ping it and everything.

The issue with the tutorials is that they expect an original arduino shield, (or at least thats what i believe). Our shield is different so it doesnt find it onboard. It gets stuck in a while loop and so it never reaches the end of the program. But even if it does, i dont think it will work because the libraries are different.

I believe we need a library by tinysine to talk to our shields. Im still on the lookout for it. If i find it ill post back here or here: