Hello people,
I have strange problem and being quite the noob I run out of theories to test quite quickly. Here is the problem I hope someone can help me figure this out.
My code reads files stored on an SD card that contains delay and intensity information that I send via a DMX interface to dimmers. I now want to use a LCD to print messages but when I add #include <Wire.h> the whole thing falls apart.
Thanks for the help
Here is the code:
#include <SD.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <DmxSimple.h>
//#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MCP23017.h>
#include <Adafruit_RGBLCDShield.h>
// Defines to set the backlight color
#define RED 0x1
#define YELLOW 0x3
#define GREEN 0x2
#define TEAL 0x6
#define BLUE 0x4
#define VIOLET 0x5
#define WHITE 0x7
//Set by default for the SD Card Library
//MOSI = Pin 11
//MISO = Pin 12
//SCLK = PIN 13
//We always need to set the CS Pin
const byte CS_Pin = 10;
//Simple Status Pin. May be removed
const byte SWStatusPin = 8;
//DMX pins
const byte DMXOutPin = 2;
const byte DMXDirectionPin = 4;
//Analog Switch Pin
const byte SWAnalogInPin = A1;
//Interrupt Input Pin
const byte SWDownInterruptPin = 3;
// Declare DMXValues Array and DMXValueIndex Counter. Keep Unsigned Integers below 65535
unsigned int DMXValues[15] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
byte DMXValueIndex = 0;
//Global Iteration Counter
byte IterationCounter = 0;
byte AvailableCounter = 0;
//Digital Conversion of Switch Value
volatile int SWAnalogValue = 0;
//If LightsOn == 0 --> Indicates that Ligths are OFF. Every Passage to any Command Files other than AllOFF00 turns on Flag
volatile byte LightsOnFlag = 0;
// Declare CSVStringBuffer Input Character Buffer, SimpleToken "container" and
// IntermediateBuffer Temporary Location for Read char from File
char CSVStringBuffer[80];
char *SimpleToken = NULL;
char IntermediateBuffer = NULL;
//Special character to indicate special handling of parsed strings
const byte LoopLastLine = 0x7E;
const byte Print2LCD = 0x40;
//Global DMX Command File Name Intermediate Variable
const char *InterruptCommandFilename = NULL;
//Expected file names on the SD card each associated with particular pattern
const char DMXInitialize[] = "DMXInit0.csv";
const char CommandFileOn[] = "AllOn100.csv";
const char CommandFileOff[] = "AllOff00.csv";
const char CommandFile1[] = "CSVTest2.csv";
const char CommandFile2[] = "Wave10ms.csv";
const char CommandFile3[] = "CSVTest4.csv";
const char CommandFile4[] = "Wave25ms.csv";
const char CommandFile5[] = "CSVTest6.csv";
const char CommandFile6[] = "WaveOpen.csv";
//const char CommandFile7[] = "CSVTest7.csv";
File CSVCommandFile;
const char *CommandFileName = NULL;
//Adafruit_RGBLCDShield lcd = Adafruit_RGBLCDShield();
void setup()
//SetUp Serial Port for Debug
//SetUp LCD as 16 characters and 2 rows
//CS Pin is an output
pinMode(CS_Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DMXOutPin, INPUT);
//Set pinMode for DMXDirectionPin and set it HIGH;
pinMode(DMXDirectionPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(DMXDirectionPin, HIGH);
//Set Pin Mode on Interrupt Pin
pinMode(SWDownInterruptPin, INPUT);
//Card will Draw Power from Pin 8, so set it high
//Strange Arduino Idea... Arrrrggghhh them Software Designer they're so naughty!
//This May not survive in Final Design
pinMode(SWStatusPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(SWStatusPin, HIGH);
if (!SD.begin(CS_Pin))
InterruptCommandFilename = DMXInitialize;
attachInterrupt(1, SelectFile, FALLING);
//lcd.print(F("Hello Earthling!"));
void loop()
//If an interrupt has changed the value of the intermediate buffer then use it by assigning it to the CommnadFileName variable
if(InterruptCommandFilename != NULL)
CommandFileName = InterruptCommandFilename;
// Reset Index for Values Array before re-looping with new CSVCommandFile
DMXValueIndex = 0;
// Reset Index for CharBuffer before re-looping with new CSVCommandFile
IterationCounter = 0;
//Reset Intermediate Char Buffer re-looping with new CSVCommandFile
IntermediateBuffer = 0x00;
//Reset InterruptCommandFilename to NULL
InterruptCommandFilename = NULL;
CSVCommandFile = SD.open(CommandFileName);
if (CSVCommandFile)
// As long as there are characters and that the Index is less than 80 characters read the file
while(CSVCommandFile.available() && (IterationCounter <= 79) && !InterruptCommandFilename)
IntermediateBuffer = CSVCommandFile.read();
// Look for the first exception, 0x0D or carriage return. May be absent in a Mac generated CSV file
if (IntermediateBuffer == 0x0D)
continue; // If found, re-iterate the while loop
// Look for the second exception, 0x0A or line feed
else if (IntermediateBuffer == 0x0A)
CSVStringBuffer[IterationCounter] = NULL;
if(CSVStringBuffer[0] == LoopLastLine)
// Actual Parsing of CSVStringBuffer to find Tokens
// This is where the magic happens :-)
SimpleToken = strtok(CSVStringBuffer, ",");
// Do something with this token
DMXValues[DMXValueIndex] = atoi(SimpleToken);
// Get the next token...
SimpleToken = strtok(NULL, ",");
// Reset Index for Values Array before exiting and re-looping for the next line in CSVCommandFile
DMXValueIndex = 0;
// Reset Index for CharBuffer before exiting and re-looping for the next line in CSVCommandFile
IterationCounter = 0;
//Actual DMX Commands
DmxSimple.write(1, DMXValues[1]);
DmxSimple.write(2, DMXValues[2]);
DmxSimple.write(3, DMXValues[3]);
DmxSimple.write(4, DMXValues[4]);
DmxSimple.write(5, DMXValues[5]);
DmxSimple.write(6, DMXValues[6]);
DmxSimple.write(7, DMXValues[7]);
DmxSimple.write(8, DMXValues[8]);
DmxSimple.write(9, DMXValues[9]);
DmxSimple.write(10, DMXValues[10]);
DmxSimple.write(11, DMXValues[11]);
DmxSimple.write(12, DMXValues[12]);
DmxSimple.write(13, DMXValues[13]);
DmxSimple.write(14, DMXValues[14]);
// This section is where the CSVStringBuffer is filled with the characters from the file
CSVStringBuffer[IterationCounter] = IntermediateBuffer;
if(CSVStringBuffer[0] == LoopLastLine)
CommandFileName = NULL;
DmxSimple.write(1, DMXValues[1]);
DmxSimple.write(2, DMXValues[2]);
DmxSimple.write(3, DMXValues[3]);
DmxSimple.write(4, DMXValues[4]);
DmxSimple.write(5, DMXValues[5]);
DmxSimple.write(6, DMXValues[6]);
DmxSimple.write(7, DMXValues[7]);
DmxSimple.write(8, DMXValues[8]);
DmxSimple.write(9, DMXValues[9]);
DmxSimple.write(10, DMXValues[10]);
DmxSimple.write(11, DMXValues[11]);
DmxSimple.write(12, DMXValues[12]);
DmxSimple.write(13, DMXValues[13]);
DmxSimple.write(14, DMXValues[14]);
void SelectFile()
SWAnalogValue = analogRead(SWAnalogInPin);
if((SWAnalogValue > 183) && (SWAnalogValue < 225))
if(LightsOnFlag == 0)
LightsOnFlag = 1;
InterruptCommandFilename = CommandFileOn;
LightsOnFlag = 0;
InterruptCommandFilename = CommandFileOff;
else if((SWAnalogValue > 286) && (SWAnalogValue < 329))
LightsOnFlag = 1;
InterruptCommandFilename = CommandFile1;
else if((SWAnalogValue > 388) && (SWAnalogValue < 431))
LightsOnFlag = 1;
InterruptCommandFilename = CommandFile2;
else if((SWAnalogValue > 490) && (SWAnalogValue < 533))
LightsOnFlag = 1;
InterruptCommandFilename = CommandFile3;
else if((SWAnalogValue > 593) && (SWAnalogValue < 636))
LightsOnFlag = 1;
InterruptCommandFilename = CommandFile4;
else if((SWAnalogValue > 695) && (SWAnalogValue < 738))
LightsOnFlag = 1;
InterruptCommandFilename = CommandFile5;
else if((SWAnalogValue > 798) && (SWAnalogValue < 841))
LightsOnFlag = 1;
InterruptCommandFilename = CommandFile6;
//Do Nothing