Problem with xbee shields using xbee pro s1

So I have been having this same exact issue across 3 separate xbee compatible shields. The first two were the xbee shields from sparkfun and I am now having the same issue out of my arduino wireless sd shield. I put in my code for using my esplora with xbee connected to control either a tracked vehicle or 2wd robot base using the shields. The robots run fine for awhile and then the shields' power buttons begin to blink rapidly and do not work at all anymore, now matter if I change the code or use it on my other uno or mega 2560. This problem is getting old and I was curious if maybe I have received a faulty xbee chip which fries the power regulators on these shields? Is this even a possibility? The only common factor in all of these failures is using the same xbee module. Any thoughts?