Problem with XBEEShield

I am trying to follow this basic tutorial,

However my arduino's RX/LED won't light up when I send keystrokes from computer.
Works fine when connected serially to computer. Only fails when connected wirelessly.
Any idea what could be wrong?

Any idea what could be wrong?

You haven't told us what XBees you have, how they are configured, or where data is coming from that the XBee is supposed to receive, and yet you want us to tell you why the RX light doesn't blink. Probably not going to happen.

Both XBEEs are series 1, Haven't done any configuring (Using the default baud rates etc.) data is sent from computer's serial terminal via the lady ada XBEE adapter. To add to this I tried sending data from arduino to PC over wireless and it works. It is just the PC to arduino serial connection that is not working.

Haven't done any configuring

Well, there is your problem.

Series 1 XBees are point to point. That means that, generally, one XBee is configured to talk to exactly one other XBee. That is done by setting MY on each XBee to DL on the other (and not making MY and DL the same).

The stuff that Digi puts out about not needing to configure the XBees is bullshit. Stinky, smelly bullshit.

Ok I will test that out tomorrow. However I need multiple xbees to communicate with each other. And the literature says xbees
can work in broadcast mode. Thats what I was hoping to do.
Also I should note that I was able to send serial data from arduino to PC without problem, it is just PC to arduino messaging that is not working.