Problem with XOR on Char array


I just get crazzy with a bit of code for calculating a simple XOR checksum on a char array to build a message for a serial stream over an xbee. The message has the same format as NEMA message $..*checksum

The checksum is even wrong calculated. I checked it here: cecksum calculator.

The code on the other side for checkin the checksum works fine with the same algorithm!? Hope you have an idea. I extracted the part to a test program to debug it more easy. Only to avoid confusion:
First I have string to build with the message. Only for the checksum test I transfered it to char array.

String MessageStr ="";
bool read = false;
char MessageBuffer[100]="";

void setup()

	Serial.println("Enter String to check: ");

void loop()

	if (Serial.available())
		while (Serial.available())
			read = true;
		if (read)
			Serial.print("String read: ");
			Serial.println("Next String: ");


void BuildMessage(void) {
	int MesChecksum=0;
	char buf[12];
	//here i build the message

	/*Generating and parsing message checksum
	starting at the 2. Position to not calculate initial '

Here is the part that checks the checksum without any problem:

boolean TelegramCheckChecksum (char* Message, int MessageLength)

	byte checksumReceived=0, checksum=0;
	for (int x = 1; x < MessageLength; x++)
		if (Message[x] == '*') //Checksum starts with '*'
			checksumReceived = strtol(&Message[x + 1], NULL, 16); //Parsing received checksum... |strtol parsing string to integer
			break; //Exit for and continue with next if
			checksum ^= Message[x]; //XOR the received data...
	if (checksum==checksumReceived)
		return true;
		return false;

I hope somebody has an idea where the failure is.



MessageStr.toCharArray(MessageBuffer, MessageStr.length());
//for (int x = 1; x < (sizeof(MessageBuffer)/sizeof(MessageBuffer[0])); x++)
//if (MessageBuffer[x] == '*')
//Serial.println("Hier ist der break");
//MesChecksum ^= MessageBuffer[x]; //XOR the Message data...

int x = 1;

while (MessageBuffer[x]!='*')
	MesChecksum ^= MessageBuffer[x]; //XOR the Message data...
	Serial.print(x); Serial.print("  ");
	Serial.print(MessageBuffer[x]); Serial.print("  ");Serial.println(MessageBuffer[x], BIN);
MessageStr += MesChecksum;


//for clearing the MessageStr:

for (int x = 0; x < (sizeof(MessageBuffer)/sizeof(MessageBuffer[0])); x++)


Here is the part that checks the checksum without any problem:


I hope somebody has an idea where the failure is. 


		while (Serial.available())
			read = true;

Why is this in a while loop()?

	////Converting float to string
	//dtostrf(lat, 4,6,buf);
	//MessageStr ="$GPS,";
	//MessageStr =MessageStr + buf+","+laterr + ",";
	//dtostrf(lon, 4,6,buf);
	//MessageStr =MessageStr + buf+"," + lonerr;
	//MessageStr =MessageStr + "," +ground_speed + ","
	//+ ground_course + "," + alt_MSL + ","
	//+ alterr + "*";

	/*Generating and parsing message checksum
	starting at the 2. Position to not calculate initial '

How much of this shit was it necessary to post?

	//for (int x = 1; x < (sizeof(MessageBuffer)/sizeof(MessageBuffer[0])); x++)
	//if (MessageBuffer[x] == '*')
	//Serial.println("Hier ist der break");
	//MesChecksum ^= MessageBuffer[x]; //XOR the Message data...

Or this?

	MessageStr.toCharArray(MessageBuffer, MessageStr.length());

Bullshit. The second argument is the size of the array, not the size of the useless String.

	int x = 1;
	while (MessageBuffer[x]!='*')

Array indices start at 0.]

Here is the part that checks the checksum without any problem:

So, why don't you call that function? What you implement instead is NOT the same.*/

How much of this shit was it necessary to post?


Or this?


Bullshit. The second argument is the size of the array, not the size of the useless String.


Array indices start at 0.]

> Here is the part that checks the checksum without any problem:

So, why don't you call that function? What you implement instead is NOT the same.

Paul, tone it down a bit, please.

I try to ignore the useless behaviour. Though I wanne answer your questions hoping to get a more helpfull reply:

I started with the index at 1 because I don't wan't to include the leading "$" in the calculation. Maybe you should also read the comments written.

I used exactly the same code als ofor building the XOR "it is commented out. I leads to the same result as the while code. But the while code is more lean.

I read from serial with a while loop because I wanted to first, that the complete message is read, because within the real code I also have all informatio navailable before starting to build the checksum.



Maybe you should also read the comments written.

Maybe you should reduce the amount of commented-out code (and excess whitespace) before posting.

But the while code is more lean.

"lean" and "String" don't belong in the same sketch, in my book.