Problema configurarcion HM-10 (bluetooth)

Buenas, como anda la gente.
Les cuento el problema que tengo y la verdad no se me ocurre como resolverlo, tengo un modulo Bluetooth HM-10 que estaba funcionando correctamente pero no se por que mi iphone no lo veia y mi android si, entonces se me ocurrio cambiar la velocidad de comunicacion que estaba en baudios 9600 a 38400 aplicando el siguiente comando AT+BAUD2, aplique y nunca mas pude comunicar mi arduino con el mudulo, pase x todas la velocidades tanto en el Serial.begin como en el bt.begin y no responde ningun comando AT.
Me ayudan a recuperar la comunicacion con mi modulo.

Muchas gracias.

Cuando cambiastes el bauad rate cambiastes tambien el baud rate del IDE.

Sigue esta guía

Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering for Advanced and Intelligent Manufacturing

sisi cambie el baud rate del IDE pero nada

Sigue esta guía

Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering for Advanced and Intelligent Manufacturing

tampoo llego a nada solo puede ver q cuando aplico AT + BAUD2 no tengo mas comunicacion (pase todo a 38400 pero nada, cuando la flasheo no tirando

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define BUFFER_LENGTH 100

SoftwareSerial ble(10, 11); // For Uno, HM10 TX pin to Arduino Uno pin D2, HM10 RX pin to Arduino Uno pin D3
//SoftwareSerial ble(10,11); // For Mega 2560, HM10 TX pin to Arduino Mega 2650 pin D10, HM10 RX pin to Arduino Mega 2560 pin D11

char buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH]; // Buffer to store response
int timeout = 800; // Wait 800ms each time for BLE to response, depending on your application, adjust this value accordingly
long bauds[] = {300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 74880, 115200, 230400, 250000, 500000, 1000000}; // common baud rates, when using HM-10 module with SoftwareSerial, try not to go over 57600

long BLEAutoBaud() {
int baudcount = sizeof(bauds) / sizeof(long);
for (int i = 0; i < baudcount; i++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { // test at least 3 times for each baud
Serial.print("Testing baud ");
_ ble.begin(bauds*);_
if (BLEIsReady()) {_
_ return bauds;
return -1;
boolean BLEIsReady() {
BLECmd(timeout, "AT" , buffer); // Send AT and store response to buffer*
* if (strcmp(buffer, "OK") == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
_boolean BLECmd(long timeout, char command, char* temp) {
* long endtime;
boolean found = false;
endtime = millis() + timeout; //
memset(temp, 0, 100); // clear buffer*
* found = true;
Serial.print("Arduino send = ");
// The loop below wait till either a response is received or timeout*
* // The problem with this BLE Shield is most of the HM-10 modules do not response with CR LF at the end of the response,
// so a timeout is required to detect end of response and also prevent the loop locking up.
while (!ble.available()) {
if (millis() > endtime) { // timeout, break*
* found = false;
if (found) { // response is available*
* int i = 0;
while (ble.available()) { // loop and read the data*
* char a =;
// Serial.print((char)a); // Uncomment this to see raw data from BLE*
temp = a; // save data to buffer
* i++;_
if (i >= BUFFER_LENGTH) break; // prevent buffer overflow, need to break*

* delay(1); // give it a 2ms delay before reading next character*
* }*
* Serial.print("BLE reply = ");*
* Serial.println(temp);*
* while ((strlen(temp) > 0) && ((temp[strlen(temp) - 1] == 10) || (temp[strlen(temp) - 1] == 13)))*
* {*
* temp[strlen(temp) - 1] = 0;*
* }*
* return true;*
* } else {*
* Serial.println("BLE timeout!");*
* return false;*
* }*
void setup() {
* Serial.begin(115200);*
* pinMode(13, OUTPUT);*
* digitalWrite(13, LOW);*
* // If you see lots of BLE timeout on Serial Monitor after BLEAutoBaud completed, most likely your have a bad shield*
* // Check if the shield JUMPER is correctly set to*
* // HM10 TX to D2*
* // HM10 RX to D3*
* long baudrate = BLEAutoBaud();*
* if (baudrate > 0) {*
* Serial.print("Found BLE baud rate ");*
* Serial.println(baudrate);*
* } else {*
* Serial.println("No BLE detected.");*
* while (1) {}; // No BLE found, just going to stop here*
* }*
* // The following commands are just to demonstrate the shield is working properly,*
* // in actual application, only call those that are needed by your application.*
* // Check HM-10 datasheet for the description of the commands.*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+NAME?", buffer);*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+BAUD?", buffer);*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+MODE?", buffer);*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+PASS?", buffer);*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+VERS?", buffer);*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+RADD?", buffer);*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+ADDR?", buffer);*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+TYPE?", buffer);*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+POWE?", buffer); // Show power (should be 2 or 3)*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+NOTI?", buffer); // Check the current notification bit*
* BLECmd(timeout, "AT+NOTI0", buffer); // Make sure the module doesn't send AT+CONNECT or AT+LOST on the serial line*
* // BLECmd(timeout,"AT+NAMEHM10",buffer); // Set the name of the module to HM10*
* // BLECmd(timeout,"AT+BAUD0",buffer); // Set baudrate to 9600*
* // BLECmd(timeout,"AT+BAUD1",buffer); // Set baudrate to 19200*
* // BLECmd(timeout,"AT+BAUD2",buffer); // Set baudrate to 38400*
* // BLECmd(timeout,"AT+BAUD3",buffer); // Set baudrate to 57600*
* // BLECmd(timeout,"AT+BAUD4",buffer); // Set baudrate to 115200*
* Serial.println("----------------------");*
* Serial.println("Waiting for remote connection...");*
void printhex(unsigned char c)
* if (c < 0x10) {*
* Serial.print("0");*
* }*
* Serial.print(c, HEX);*
void loop() {
* if (ble.available()) {*
* char c = (char);*
* if (isPrintable(c))*
* {*
* Serial.print(c);*
* }*
* else*
* {*
* Serial.print("[");*
* printhex(c);*
* Serial.print("]");*
* }*
* if (c == '1') digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // if received character 1 from BLE, set PIN 13 high*
* if (c == '0') digitalWrite(13, LOW); // if received character 0 from BLE, set PIN 13 low*
* }*
pasa a responder en 9600 a la las preguntas AT q les hace pero despues no responde mas, y entre las respuestas veo que en AT+NOTI da 0 (desactivado) le mando un AT+NOTI1 pero sigue sin responder y no me aplica el cambio