Problems connected Arduino Nano BLE 33 to phone

I'm starting a project that involves connecting the Arduino Nano BLE 33 to my phone for a Bluetooth connection.
If the Arduino is too far away from the phone, the Bluetooth turns off and a notification buzzes on your phone.
I'm trying to connect the ublox NINA-B306 Bluetooth chip to my phone but it is not working. There is also a QR Code on the Bluetooth chip but when I try to scan it, nothing happens.
Maybe I'm just a beginner who is trying to figure Arduino out but is it possible to connect the Arduino Nano BLE 33 to your phone through Bluetooth in settings?

I have no experience from the devices You use. However, attach a wiring diagram and the code, using code tags.
It is completely impossible to diagnose the problem reading Your post. More info....

Hello Shiggy.

Yes, it's got to be possible. There are several video tutorials that should help you understand all the elements.

The phone app would be simple, but you need to learn how to build an app. MIT App Inventor is a great place to do this.

You don't actually need an Arduino for this to work if you used a BT module like HC-05. It only needs power and your phone app could connect with it and raise the alarm if the connection is lost -- no need for a sketch. I am not familiar with Nano BLE 33 but again, I don't expect you would need to write a sketch to make it happen.

Bluetooth only has a range of about 10 metres.