Problems connecting TLC5615 and NRF24L01+ using SPI


as mentioned in the title I am having problems connecting the NRF24L01+ and TLC5615 DAC. They work fine individually but as soon as I connect both the NRF-Receiver throws an error. I am using the NRFLite and TLC5615 libraries provided by the Arduino IDE. While trying to find the problem I discovered that the MISO from the DAC to my Arduino Mega might cause the problem. I tried using a 470 Ohm resistor to solve the problem, as it was suggested in some other forum, without luck.

Here is the code (just the examples of the two libraries combined):

#include <SPI.h>
#include <NRFLite.h>
#include <TLC5615.h>

NRFLite _radio;
TLC5615 dac2(2);

void setup()
    //Where it crashes
    if (!_radio.init(0, 7, 8)){
      while (1); 

void loop(){
    while (_radio.hasData())

Thanks in advance!

The DAC also uses the SPI-interface.
Try without the TLC5615-library, but use "shiftOut()" (away from SPI-pins)